Good Enough To Eat

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warning: a little more smuttage

An hour after we had left the salon, we were chilling out at a small cafe we both loved when Hailie got a call.

Ten minutes later she put her cell back in her bag and looked at me, "what?" I laughed at her expression. "I. Have. Just. Been. Asked. To go to New York for a month on a modelling contract!!!!!" she squealed. I gasped at her and jumped up and moved round the table to her and cuddled her. "Oh my god!! That's huge!!!" I beamed at her. She filled me in and it turned out that she would be staying out there for a new ad campaign for Burberry and then modelling in the autumn/winter fashion week I was going to be there for. Naturally we arranged to meet up. "When do you fly out?" I asked her. That's when she looked a little nervous. "Wednesday" she answered. "Ooh, really?!" I gasped a little, "You better get home and pack!" I told her, "I better call my dad..." she pulled a face.

The next day.

I was sitting in my kitchen eating some cereal pondering over Marshall. The phone call we had bugged the hell out of me, I'd acted stupidly and the longer I left it, I was worried that he was gonna lose interest in me. I needed to talk to him, although I was scared that if I called him he wouldn't pick up. There was only one way to find out...he didn't answer my call. I guess I had my answer....

An hour later....

I had gotten out of the shower to hear my cell phone ringing. I dashed to it on my bed and answered it quickly. "Hello"

"Yo Vick, it's Marshall." He stated. "Oh hey" surprised he called me back. Now I was caught off guard I didn't know how to start, but he took that away from me, "I was gonna call you, I'm getting some people together for a leaving party thing for Hailie," he explained, "would you be able to call some of her girls for me?"

"Oh yeah of course" I smiled, feeling happy that he wasn't too awkward with me. "Cool. Well, I'll send you all the info and I guess I'll see you on Tuesday night..." he said, I could sense he wanted to say something, and so did I, but I just didn't know how to say it. "Yeah, I'll see you on Tuesday" I replied and ended the call. I dropped my head into my hands. I was such an idiot.


The following Tuesday I was driving down to the club. The party wasn't starting while 8 but I wanted to talk to Marshall before all that, tonight was about Hailie, not me and him. I was a bag of nerves as I pulled my car into the lot. I checked my make-up in my sun visor mirror and left the truck. Smoothing down my sundress I headed over to the club.

The doors were all open there were cleaners and people moving around preparing the club for the regulars for tonight. I made my way up to the VIP area, as usual, looking for him. I was surprised as I entered the room, the balloons and good luck banners were all up and the room was looking pretty. I smiled.

"Lookin good huh" I heard. I looked round to see Marshall stood beside a round table. I nodded and smiled. "It looks perfect. She'll love it" I beamed at him, making him smile. "I hope so" he sighed nervously. I nodded, "she will" I walked over to him. "How are you girl" he asked, giving me a hug. "Good, you?"

"Yeah, now it's all ready" he said, looking around. I turned and took another look at the room. "When's the cake coming?" I asked, trying to concentrate on the party, not how good he looked. "At 6. I'm gonna be here all day" he yawned making me grin. "Oh well, I brought some food, I thought you would be hungry" I told him. "Oh thanks girl" he nodded, "let's go in the back room" he said, placing his hand on my back and he took me across the room to the managers office.

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