"Well... I guess..." He moved out of the way.. to me it felt like he couldn't have moved slower, and I ended up knocking him over backwards as I tried to get to the toilet in time.

I ended up making it into the toilet, but after that I flushed the toilet and stood up glaring at Dallas.

"Sorry." He looked at me, sincerely.

"That's all you have to say you ignornant fool? You know that I'm pregnant. You know that I have morning sickness, it's not something you should be joking around with! Not cool!" I glared at him more. 

Dallas looked at me with his puppy eyes. All of my anger quickly drained away, and I sighed. "I can't ever be mad at you."

He laughed. "I knew it would work!"

Kit walked down the hallway to us. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. You?" I looked over at her.

"Yes." Kit glanced briefly at Dallas. "Are you coming along too?"

"Uh..." He looked at me. "I don't think so."

"If you want to come you can. We're going to hear the heartbeats today."

"Well... I guess I will. I don't have anything to study for now."

Kit looked slightly enthused that he was joining us. She wasn't telling me something. And I couldn't help, but notice how when we got out to my car, he opened the door for her before getting in the back of the car. I think they liked each other, but I wasn't going to say anything.

I started heading to the doctor's office.

"So, Dal, what's going on with Mom?" I asked, he was pretty close to our mom out of all of us. He was the sweetheart of the family, it shocked us all when he said he enlisted into the Army.

"What do you  mean?" He replied, confused I'm sure.

"Well, a few weeks ago Mom said she was pregnant, is that still the case?"

"Oh... no she had a miscarriage." I looked at him through my mirror, he had turned and looked out the window.

"What happened?" Shock ran through me.

"I don't know, some complications I guess."

"Hm... when is she going to be home?"

"Later tonight, they were coming home to see you out of the house I guess."

Oh, they were going to watch me get out of their house so they could celebrate the minute I left, I thought. Silence filled the air after that. There was nothing really to say.

Once we arrived, i went in and Kit and Dallas followed me in shortly after getting something. We were called back for my appointment. The nurse looked at Dallas.

"Is  he the daddy?" She asked, as he sat down next to Kit, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Brother..." I said. She stared at me like I was an alien. "My brother, I mean. The father is in a coma..." I looked down sadly.

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it." I did a half hearted smile.

Then the actual ultrasound began. She put the jelly on me and started moving the transducer around. She was quiet for a while and didn't say anything.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"What? Oh yeah, everything is great. There is twin A's head." She pointed to somewhere on the screen. "Twin B..." She moved the tool around. "Is right here." The technician smiled when she found it. "Congratulations."

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