Jungkook calm down! I tell myself and buzz his apartment: 305B

"Hello?" Jin's voice comes through the speaker.
"Hiya, it's me!" I say cheerfully.
"Oh Jungkook! I'll be down in a second!" He says and cuts the speaker off.

I wait for about a minute thinking about how excited Jin sounded through the speaker, or maybe it was just my imagination, before I hear the elevator doors slide open. I look up to see Jin walking out of the doors and towards me.

You that slow motion scene in romance movies when the main love interest walks towards the other and they look like Aphrodite has blessed them? Well I'm having one of those moments, all that Jin is doing is walking out of the elevator and towards me. Nothing special going on, except that I feel like I am watching him in slow motion and he looks amazing.

He's wearing black ripped jeans that hug him in all the right places. He's got on a white collared shirt popping up from underneath a pale pink sweater that accentuates his broad shoulders. His hair is not styled, it lays flat against his forehead and bounces with every step. There's nothing extraordinary about the way that he looks, but nonetheless my heart beats so fast it feels like it's going to escape my rib cage and fly away.

"Close your mouth Jungkook. You'll catch flies." Jin says and lifts my bottom jaw with two fingers to close my mouth.
"You look... Wow." I manage to get out.
"Thank you, you look pretty wow yourself." He blushes slightly, looking rather bashful.
"Shall we?" I say and offer him my arm; he nods, slips his arm through mine and we set off down the street towards the carnival.

We walk in silence, listening to everything and nothing at the same time. Not that I mind, it gives me time to internally fanboy. We arrive at the carnival site after a five-minute walk to be greeted with rows up rows of fairy lights strung through the air.
"Let's go!" I shriek in ecstasy and release Jin. I leave Jin standing at the carnival entrance and make run straight for the hot dog stand.
"You're such a child Jungkook!" He laughs coming up behind me and swinging an arm around my shoulder. I smile up at his face, the warmth of his arm around my shoulders spreads throughout my body igniting a small kindling of something in the pit of my stomach.
"Two please, with ketchup and mustard!" He asks the vendor polietly and reaches to grab his wallet.
"Hyuuuuuung! I was going to pay!" I whine smacking him. He just shakes his head and pays the vendor. The vendor grins at the two of us and passes the hot dogs over the counter.
"Here, eat." Jin orders and hands me my hot dog.

We devour our food in no time, I am just about to wander off from Jin to play some games when he grabs my arm to spin me around.
"You've got some mustard..." Jin grabs a tissue from somewhere and wipes the condiment from my face.
"Okay! Christ I'm not a baby!!" I push his hand away and head towards the games, this time successfully. In times, and lots of money later, I manage to win Jin a whole bunch of teddy bears and stuffies. His arms are overflowing with prizes that I decide that spending a little more money to buy him a bag would be the smart – and dare I day it – and chivalrous thing to do.
"Thanks for that! My arms were getting tired!" He smiles gratefully at me.
"Hyung look! Ferris wheel!" I say with renewed excitement, pointing directly ahead of us.
"Shall we?" Jin laces his fingers through mine, I glance down at our hands for a moment.
"We shall."

The line is moving very slowly and there is a cold wind that has just begun to blow perpendicular to the way we are facing, so I move closer to Jin, rest my head on his shoulder and sigh as his body heat seeps into mine. Jin responds to my actions by wrapping his arm around me and pulling me in tighter; Jin is also shivering slightly from the wind so my cuddling into his side will also benefit him. The mental reasoning of the situation does nothing to stay the blush that is beginning to rise on my face and I am quite grateful that there isn't enough light where we are standing for Jin to see my face. After what seems like an eternity, we FINALLY arrive at the front of the line.
"Just the two of you?" The attendant asks as the car stops with a mechanical screech in front of us.
"Yeah," Jin replies and we wait a few moments for the attendant to give us the all clear.

We hop into the carriage, pull the safety bar down and wait for the wheel to take us up. I remain cuddled up in Jin's arms as we make our way up, the wind makes a forceful gust when we are halfway up.
"Oh crap! That's so freaking cold!" I shudder, the wind making the car swing to and fro. Suddenly the car jerks to a halt, swings violently for a minute before I hear the faint voice of the ride attendant: "Gears are caught! Nothing to worry about! We'll get it fixed quick!"

"Well fuck!" I let out a large, frustrated shout and get a quick, painful smack on the top of my head.
"Watch your language boy!" Jin chastises clicking his tongue.
"You're not my mom!" I shoot back at him and stick out my tongue only for Jin to pinch it in between two fingers. He holds it a moment before letting it go.
"OUCH!" I scream quietly once I have my tongue back.

"Wooooooooow! Look at the horizon! It's so pretty!" I hear Jin gasp in awe and look at the skyline.
"It is!" I agree, but I'm not looking at the skyline. Instead my eyes are locked on Jin's expression of pure wonder – all it does is send bolts of warmth through my body.

Almost as if he was sensing my gaze, Jin turns to meet my eyes.
"Thank you, Jungkook for this date!" He says sincerely. I just shrug and smile at him. There's no way for me to reply to him in lieu of the spectacle in front of me. The faint rose light from the setting sun has provided Jin with a breathtaking backlight of the red spectrum. For a second, he is blinding, once the light fades a little bit more he is mesmerising.

"Jungkook?" He asks. I hum.
"Can I-" he takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye. "Can I kiss you?" He asks, a blush coating his face, it's the same colour of the sky behind him. Instead of answering him, as the ride begins to move I lean in and press my lips softly against his. There's a moment where nothing happens, the two of us are just sitting there with the sunset behind us until the kiss stirs something in my chest and in response my heart begins to pound. Jin moves his lips slowly and sensually against mine. I raise my hand and as our kiss deepens, I place my hand against his warming cheeks.. It's sweet, pure and it leaves me wanting more.

The carriage gives a violent jerk causing us to break away from each other just before the ride reaches the ground. We hop out of the carriage and send words of thanks to the ride attendant; I look at Jin who is now pink in the face. He looks at me giggling and I know I must be pink in the face too.

Jin's hand is dangling by his side, eventually I pluck up the courage to take it and intertwine our fingers. He glances sideways at me, squeezes my hand and we walk the rest of the way back to his apartment like that. In complete silence but loving every moment of it.

We walk up to Jin's apartment building and pause at the door. I release Jin's hand and scratch the back of my neck.
"Erm~" I start but Jin interrupts me.
"Be my boyfriend?" He asks and I smile widely.
"Okay." I say and pull him in for another kiss.

His arms go around my waist and his arms pull my body flush against his. I smile into the kiss and hum happily. In that moment neither of us could feel the cold wind flinging our hair and clothes through the air. We pull away from each other but when the almost freezing wind causes us to regain our senses we leap back towards each other in search of warmth. Jin leans towards me and lightly presses one more kiss to my forehead.
"Goodnight Jungkook. Be safe and sleep well!" He whispers into my skin before turning around and walking into the building.

I stand there for a couple seconds watching him get in the elevator before I turn around and make my way to my place. I walk home in a daze, not really knowing what's happening until in realize that I'm standing in my kitchen and Taehyung is staring at me with the look on his face that says he needs to know what's going on so spill.

"So? How'd it go?" He gestures for me to speak.
"I have a boyfriend!" I sing and skip to my room to get ready for bed.

"WHAT!?!?!" Taehyung shouts and barges into my room. I nod and we spend the rest of the night playing 20 questions on the topic of Jin.


This is the longest chapter I've ever written looool

Just cause.
Anyway! I have no idea what I'm going to do next...


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