Ch.11» Tell Me~

Mulai dari awal

" About what? Oh and by the way, I like the smell of your shampoo " She sniff to smell more of the fragmented smell.

" Thanks? And it's none of your business "

" Wha?! " Her mouth opens.

" Close your mouth " I say and shut it " I don't want a fly getting in it. Though that would be funny. Open it again "

She then slap my shoulder while moving her jaw " That hurts,you know? "

" I don't know " I say, plainly. But then, I remembered what Marinette told me. A smirk formed in my lips making (Y/n) look at me confusingly " oh, by the way,What happened today? "

" Oh,that? Well, nothing, we just ate, talk, walk around the park "

" No one there particular?"

" Adrien was there "

'" That's all? "

" Well, what do you want me to tell you? " She says with an annoyed tone.

' She really doesn't know '

I shake my head " Nothing. But I got a question for you "

" You've been asking the whole time "

"..." I blink " It's a different one! "

" Well, you've been asking different questions for the whole 4 minutes "

I sweat drop " Just answer"

She rolls her eyes and nods.

" Have you had your . . . Indirect kiss? "

She looks at me with a look " Where did you get that? Of course not "

" You really are oblivious "

" And what is that supposed to mean? "

" I'll tell you in another time "

" Don't tell me. . . That the two of you were talking about me "

" Actually,yes. But in a good way "

" Right. And that involved Indirect kiss? " She rose a brow.

" Maybe " I look left to right.

" Come on! You just have to say it to me! " She whines.

" Like I said; It's none of your business "

She then raise her point finger " You know,I take 'maybe' as a 'yes' "

" And I take that as a ' Say that to your face ' " I say while lowering her hand.

" That's like the second time someone put my hands down "

" Well then, I'm going to my room "

" This early? "

" Yeah "

" Don't tell me that your gonna play video games again"

" Psh, says the one who reads 'X Reader' for a life " I laugh.

" At least they're better than you! "

" At least I'm real! " I laugh harder before going to my room.

I locked the door and set out a bowl of blue berries. And of course, Fizz flew out and started eating it.

" Wait, I know that look " He starts.

" Yes, yes you do "

« Time Skip by Yuri »

" Something is off " Ladybug glares side to side.

" Yeah " Chat reply.

" Off what? " I ask, titling my head.

" It has been quiet for the past few days " Ladybug looks at me.

" Maybe is a warning? " Foxy says.

" Warning?If that's the case, I hope nothing bad happens "

" Why'd you have to say that?!" I huff " Now, there's totally gonna be a dangerous thing that will happen "

" You believe in those? " Foxy rose a brow.

" It always happens,so,of course I believe in those "

" Riiiight "

" Anyways, " I jump down " I'm going to go walk around - or fly " I say with a grin and starts to fly around Paris.

" Careful there Batman " I heard a feminine voice teased.

I look down and saw Ladybug catching up.

" Oh, if it isn't Ladybug " My mouth forms into a smirk " Seems like you want to play tag "

" Sure, I won't mind "

" Don't say I didn't warned ya " I fly faster.

" Hey!!! Not fair!!!! "

" Told Ya!! "


I just have to post this😂😂since I have nothing to say

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I just have to post this😂😂since I have nothing to say.

♦♥~ Unicorn Queen

✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang