Chapter 5: Feelings

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Luke was the first up on the following Monday and was keen to head into school, Abi had an inklin that this had been to do with the fact that her brother and Naomi had rekindled their relationship. Abigail had uey another restless night which had been evident from the dark circles that highlighted her eyes.

"Hurry up Abs" Lucas called from the other side of the bathroom door trying to coax his twin out. "I need to get ready for school"

"What's going on?" Shay bounced down the spiral staircase towards the kitchen noticing the eldest twin outside the bathroom she had a good idea "Abigail, hurry up please" There was no response only a groan.

"Woah, what happened to you" Luke grimaced taking in the sight of his disheveled sister in front of him but instead of waiting for a response he quickly took Abi's place in the bathroom leaving her to maneuver through to the kitchen where Shay and Kelly had already set themselves. Taking her place on her godfather's knee she leant back into the comforting embrace his chest offered.

"Tough night bug" It had been more than a statement especially when he saw the drooping lids above his god-daughter's eyes. It had been the same routine for a few days now and Kelly and Shay had both expressed their concern for the youngest Darden twin, they had decided not to push the issue any further considering it was still early days after the death of their father "Do you wanna take a day and come to shift?"

"No, I think I'll go to school if that's okay" Abi murmured barely able to finish her breakfast. Deciding to take her medication and continue getting ready for school she disappeared upstairs. As quickly as she parted Shay sent Kelly a questioning look across the table.

"I know" he was adamant to let Abigail deal with her grief in her own time but knew if it didn't happen sooner rather than later she would completely shut down. "Let me talk to Matt"


"What's up with you?" Lucas asked his twin as they got to the car, it was Abigail's turn to drive them to school but Kelly gave her strict instructions to allow Luke to drive until she'd had a good night sleep. It had been clear on her face that sleep wasn't coming easy.

"I'm just tired-" 

"No, don't give that excuse. Something is clearly wrong?" Lucas cut his twin off. Having been stuck to each others hip for the past 17 years the Darden twins had a knack for knowing how the other was feeling. 

Abigail sighed heavily before looking towards her brother through the windows of their truck "I am tired of being told it's okay to cry or it's understandable if I want to be angry. If i want to feel abandoned but what... but What if I can't feel anything? What kind of person does that make me"

Abigail stormed through the halls and eventually appeared in front of the girls toilets. Quickly surveying the room to see if there was company and satisfied she was alone she locked herself in a cubicle and pulled an orange cylinder from her bag. Her hands shook and tears rolled down her face, she hadn't wanted it to come to this but it was the only way she could cope. Swallowing the capsule she stuffed the container at the back of her bag out of sight and quickly straightened out her shirt and made her way to first period.

"Hey babe" Abi greeted her boyfriend sincerely as the walked hand in hand.

"No practice today?" Nathan asked as they reached his locker at the other end of the hall.

"I told Ms Laise I wanted to cancel it" Abi said nonchalantly. Nathan looked over to his girlfriend, she had began to look fragile and pale almost as if she was a ghost of her former self. 

"What? Why? You have the meet next month" shocked by his girlfriend's almost unusual decision.

"Don't panic she said no, we'll be ready, can't have my gymnasts giving into injury. Isn't that right Brooke?" Abigail called bringing her best friend from spy mode.

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