Chapter 3 : The News

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"Morning Luke, practice today?"  Andy questioned his son as he appeared in the hallway as he made his way to wake his daughter. Abigail was usually awake by now and Andy really didn't want to be late for shift. "Abigail Darden. Breakfast now!" he called from the bottom of the stairs. He walked back into the kitchen to continue making breakfast for the twins.

"Yeah" Lucas answered still sleepy considering he had late practice last night with the team.

"Coming" Abbi shouted as she ran down the stairs almost knocking her brother down as she appeared in the doorway.

"Abs, practice today?" Andy questioned as he poured orange juice for the twins. The twins placed themselves at the breakfast bar as they watched their dad. Abi hadn't really had the chance to reply before being smothered to the aroma of expensive perfume that their mother so distinctively wore.

"Morning sweetheart. Morning darling" Heather greeted her twins with a kiss on the cheek before leaning in for a kiss from her husband. Heather was on her way to work no doubt as she hurried through the door.

"Morning mom" Luke sighed as he watched the car leave the driveway in a hurry. He watched as Abi seemed unfazed by their mom's sudden rush to leave the house, the mother and daughter had a rocky relationship it had been the same way for a few years. Abi had just gotten used to the feeling of neglect.

"Nope, it's Wednesday Dad. I'm coming straight to the firehouse" Abbi almost sang as Andy nodded his head.

"Eat up, I'm gonna drop you off today" The twins both ate their food as Andy got ready for work. The family piled into their dad's truck before heading towards the high school.

Andy dropped the twins at the entrance before giving them their instructions for the day.
"Be good, Luke try work on your jump shots tonight. And Abbi Principal Carter called this morning to ask if you had the article ready for the paper"

"Sure" Abi said nonchalantly "got it" snapping out of her day dream she showed the paper she held in her hand to her dad. Abi had a feeling of dread as she sat in the back of her fathers truck, unsure of what it meant she shook the feeling away.

"Okay so.." Andy started.

"School. Practice. Firehouse." The twins said in unison as they shot their dad a look before he laughed. The two had been subject to the same speech every day for the past 5 years. It wasn't long before Luke was rushing to leave the car. "Bye dad, have a good day" Lucas said opening the truck door.

"See you later dude." Andy ruffled the older twin's hair before he quickly left the car.  Andy immediately turned his attention to his daughter who sat quietly in the back of the truck.

"Now, did you take your meds?" Andy questioned his daughter. Abi had recently been suffering from shortness of breath the past week which had been noticed by Herrman when the twins were playing basketball at the front of the station.

"Yup" She instantly answered before Andy gave her a more questioning look "I'm fine dad, I'm not putting pressure on myself. Come on you better go, Uncle Kelly will be wanting food otherwise he'll have you on cleaning duty for the rest of the month." 

"Love you bug" he cooed placing a soft kiss on the top of Abigail's forehead.

Abi lunged towards her dad holding him in a tight hug "Love you Dad" Abigail pulled away slightly her big blue eyes piercing those she had inherited "Be safe" Abigail had never been a clingy child but recently she had been less apprehensive when showing her emotions.

"Always" Andy smiled at his daughter cupping her small face in his hands and placing another soft kiss on her forehead.


"She just seemed..she seemed scared Chris. I don't think I've ever seen her that attached ya'know what i mean?" Andy couldn't help but wonder what lead to his daughter's strange behavior this morning. Chris had found him facing his locker this morning staring at a picture of her and Luke on their 17th birthday that they celebrated a couple of months ago in June.

"Darden, she's your little girl. Sometimes little girl's just need know that their daddy will be there for them. She just needs to know if you'll be the one standing by her when she falls"

"And Luke? He couldn't get out of the car fast enough." Andy sighed wondering if he was to blame or if the twins were still struggling with the absence of their mother. 


The firefighters were all sat in the common room, their day had been rather quiet and had only been called to a multi vehicle accident. The common room was full of life. Dawson and Shay were joking around with Otis and Cruz, Severide was playing cards with the Squad, Casey was talking to Darden and Mouch sat in front of the TV.

'Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. House Fire 787 Maple Drive'

The laughter that drowned the room was short lived as the alarm sounded making the whole firehouse stop what they were doing and rushed to their respective seats leaving the common room in an eerie silence. Little did they know that this call was going to change their lives.

Andy placed himself in his usual spot next to Herrmann as the Truck made their way to the scene.

''Guys how do I look?' Andy joked placing the oxygen mask on his head before looking around the truck.

"Like the class clown as usual" Matt joined the rest of the truck laughing at his best friend before he joked with the squad through the radio 'Hey Severide, how soon can you take Darden off my hands?'

"Darden makes squad the day after I'm no longer in charge" Severide responded over the radio, chuckles and smiles in both trucks painted the picture of the love they share as a family.

The trucks arrived on scene where smoke bellowed from the house. People gathered as the two lieutenants barked their orders to their men and they all went to work.

'Darden with me. Mask up' The two placed their masks securely on their faces. Casey and Darden made their way up the ladder to the window. The two got to the top and Andy began entering the burning building

'There's no vent Casey' Severide reported over the radio. Casey's face drooped at the sound of his best friend across the radio.

Andy was already in the building before Casey could warn him there was no vent. The fire eat the room and just like that he was gone.
The rest of the firehouse didn't move, speak, some barely let out a breath. A brother had died. Died in the line of duty.


'"Andy Darden, sorry I can't take your call.' 'Hey dad Abbi's taking forever.' 'I'm done' As I was saying, leave a message and I'll get back to you"

Luke laughed at his dad's answer machine, he'd always said how it perfectly depicted his life with the twins. He quickly shook that thought before leaving his message.

'Hey Dad, it's Luke. I know your probably on a call I just wanted to let you know that practice got cancelled so I'm heading straight back with Ab. Be safe"

"Went to voice mail?" Abigail asked appearing next to her brother. Lucas nodded wearily "He's probably on a call" Abbi tried.


How do you want the twins to react with the news? Who should be the one to tell them? Severide, Casey or Chris? 

r&r please

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