Chapter 28-

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-Finn's POV-

"Babe I need to go and stand outside" Zoey said to me. 

I looked down at her. I was so worried about her. Especially with these two here. I took a deep breath in.

"Alright, dont wander off though please. I need you safe. I love you" I kissed her gently on the forehead.

I've never said any words that are more true than these. I loved this girl. This beautiful, kind girl. I can't imagine anything ever happening to her again. I was stupid enough to let her get hurt the first time, i'm never going to let it happen again. I had made this promise to myself many times.

This is partly the reason I bought the house. So we could have somewhere just for us. Where Amy couldn't find us. Where I could keep my angel safe.

"I love you too" she said back, those beautiful green eyes looking into mine.

She wandered off outside and sat daintily down on a bench. Everything she did was graceful, it still amazed me.

I leaned against the bar, the small black box pushing into my leg. Pricks had ruined the big night.

I glanced over my shoulder to see them discussing something. Erg. They made me sick, especially the bloke. Knowing he'd touched my girlfriend,  erg.

"Here's your bill Sir"

The waitor placed the piece of paper on the bar. Pulling two £20 notes out my pocket, I placed them on top of the bill, adding a couple of pound coins as a tip.

"Thank you" He said.

I took another look at Zoey. She seemed alright out there. Amy and Lewis looked occupied, so I decided to run quickly to the bathroom. 

I pulled my zip up, washed my hands and made my way back into the restaurant.

Amy and Lewis were no longer there, and I assumed they had decided to grow up and leave. I smiled quietely to myself at the thought of them walking away from us for good.

I nodded to the waitor standing at the bar, looked outside and my stomach dropped.

Zoey wasn't there.

Before I knew it, I was outside and Jess and Alfie appeared, running towards me with panicked eyes.

"What the fuck has happened!?" Jess shouted at me, causing the people surrounding us to fall silent.

I looked around frantically. Where was she? Everything turned into a blur as a sudden realisation hit me. 

"Him" I said emptily.

"Yes!" Jess yelled at me.

"What happened?" I said angrily, feeling and emotion stirring inside me once again.

"Mate" Alfie said, placing a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down.

"Well me and Alfie saw Lewis talking to her and he had his arm on her, I thought she was cheating but before I knew it he was dragging her away. But as she walked away she said 'help', I saw the look in her eyes, I know that look, she was terrified. Whats going on Finn?"

"They were at the restaurant! They were at the fucking restaurant! They had it all fucking planned out!" I turned and stormed away in the direction Zoey went. Maybe I could catch them. He was going to be so so sorry he had done this. Why her..

"Wait" I stopped and turned to Jess who was right behind me. 

"Was Amy with him?"

"No, she passed us going in the opposite direction" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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