Chapter 5-

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"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Jess practically shouted at me.

I turned on my fakest smile, looked at Finn and turned around.

"Oh, have you?" I tried to say sweetly but my anger crept through.

"YES! First you were there then you went then I saw you getting touched up by some creepy looking guy then this boy was taking you now then searched everywhere looking for you and here you are!" Jess slurred all in one breath.

She was drunk. This wasn't good. She didn't handle her alcohol very well. She walked slowly over, tripping every now and then.

"And who is this gorgeous boy" She said and winked at Finn.

I felt anger bubble up inside of me as she flirted with him in front of me.

"Um, this is Finn" I said quietly looking down at the floor. 

He looked over at me and smiled ever so slightly. I couldn't help but smile back despite Jess.

"He is yummmmy" She said ever so slowly. "Looks exactly like that boy you described to me earlier"

Great. Open your big mouth. 

"BEACH BOY!" She practially yelled.

I felt my cheeks fill and ears get hot. For fucks sake.

"Oh is that right?" Finn smirked.

"Right Jess lets get back". I said calmly.

"Yes Zoey lets get back" She repeated with the same tone.

"I'll walk you back to your hotel. Just to be sure. If thats okay?" Finn said, still smirking.

Oh my. He wanted to walk me home. Then a painful thought hit me. What if he wanted Jess? Shes always been the pretty one. Shit shit shit.

"Yeah if you want too" I said quietly.


"Night Zoey!" Jess shouted from her room.

I had just spent 20 awkward minutes trying to get her undressed and into bed. She was a handful when she was drunk and tonight was no different. To add to this, Finn had been sitting in the front room the whole time.

"I'm sorry about her, this happens sometimes" I apologised to him.

"Oh its okay" He said calmly. He stood up off of the sofa. His shiny brown hair was messy and his eyes looked tired. Despite this, he still looked dreamy. He took a step towards me and I felt a charge between us.

I smiled warmly at him and carried on.

"Thanks again. For earlier. It was very macho" I winked.

"Oh well I didn't want a gorgeous girl like you feeling uncomfortable" He smiled cheekily.

I had no idea what was about to happen but I knew that I wanted it to.

 "Can I?" He asked as he took another small step towards me.

I nodded very slowly. This was wrong. I had a boyfriend. All thoughts of him were out of my mind as Finns hand made its way to my neck.

His face was so close to mine I could feel his breath on me. He was looking straight into my eyes and I almost fainted he was so beautiful.

Ever so slowly, his lips parted and mine followed. 

His lips touched mine and I felt a spark. Something was there. 

His kiss deepened and we moved in sync, our lips pressing harder against eachother. His hand moved into my hair and I felt myself kissing him back harder. I moved my body closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I knew where this was going. I wanted it but not yet.

I pulled away and looked at him. His eyes searched mine.

"Meet me" he said simply.

"Tomorrow. By the beach. I'd love to see you again" I replied. 

"Okay. Its been great to finally meet you. Look forward to our date" he winked.

"Bye" I smiled as he left.

What was I doing?

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