Chapter 8-

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-Zoey's POV-

I quickly entered the apartment, closed the door behind me and leant breathlessly onto it. 

Fuck. That was perfect in every way. No way am I falling for a total stranger. And to add to this, Lewis would be here soon.

I had a debate within my head as to whether I was looking forward to seeing him or not..

Jess turned the corner, still wrapped in her duvet from this morning. 

"Lewis is here" I blurted out. I had nothing else to say.

She gaped at me. "Like, really?"

"Yep, I was as shocked as you. Better go and freshen up" I tried to leave the conversation.


I heard a knock on the apartment door. Shit shit shit. I had managed to hide Finns jumper and had a quick shower to get rid of the heavenly smell of his aftershave. Why did I feel like a cheat? This was more than just a fling, I had gone over in my head so many times- do I tell Lewis about Finn? Do I tell Finn about Lewis? Or do I not tell either of them about eachother. I'll figure that out later.

I slowly walked over to the door, my heart pouding, with excitement or fear?

I reached for the handle and opened the door and there stood my Lewis. Gorgeous and tall with swooping brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He was well built, and wearing a white top with chino shorts. Fuck. I really had missed him. He was staring at me for a few long seconds then his face broke out into a heart-breaking smile.

I threw my arms around his neck and found myself sobbing into his shoulders. He was much taller than me and his arms snaked round my back of my waist, pulling me up off of the floor and spinning me around.

I giggled loudly and he put me down, pulled back and looked at me.

"Hey beautiful, don't cry" He said and wiped a happy tear away from my face.

"I missed you so much!" I said as I pulled him back to me.

Only now did I realised that I really had missed him. And this made things with Finn a whole lot more confusing.

"Come on you" He said as he picked me up and walked me into the apartment. "Nice place you got here" He winked at me.

I just held onto his neck with my head pressed into his neck. He smelt gorgeous- like home.

Finn kept flashing through my mind. God this was confusing. I may have to do one of those shitty 'pros and cons' lists Jess does for every single boy she meets. Might work I suppose.

"Where's your..sorry 'our'..bedroom then?" He grinned at me.

I pointed out my bedroom door and he took me in, plonked me on the bed and sat beside me.

He looked straight into my eyes and said "I never realised how beautiful you were. Never leave me again" 

I couldn't take it anymore. I lauched myself at him. All my pent up sexual frustration being realeased onto my boyfriend. I pulled his face to me and his lips met mine in a passionate embrace.

He wanted me and I sure as hell wanted him back. I'd missed this.

His hands made their way across my body, removing my clothes,savouring every touch and I did the same to him. I felt every line and countour of his perfect body, remebering how it felt, taking my time in memorising how beautiful his body was.

Everytime he touched me it was electric. Just like it was with Finn. And I don't know why, but the whole time I was making love with my boyfriend- Finn's face kept appearing in my mind.

We fell into eachothers arms and stayed there for what seemed like hours. My thoughts consumed me. Thoughts of Lewis and Finn. Confusion, worry, passion and love all at the same time. 

Maybe I needed to see Finn one more time? Just to be sure. But how would I be able to sneak off without Lewis noticing?

I decided that I would think this all through in the morning. For now, it was just me, Lewis and our accelerated heartbeats in this beautiful city.

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