Chapter 25-

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guys, please don't hurt me. i feel like ive totally neglected you guys and this story but i've had some important exams but luckily they're all kinda out the way now so i get get on with this story like i've been dying too! hope you guys like it..

-Zoey's POV-

I had told him. I'd said those words I'd been dying to say. A part of me had felt relieved and a part of me was terrified. I was looking into his beautifully confused eyes.

"What?" He said.

I owed him an explanation. Taking a deep breath, I start to explain.

"He was my first real boyfriend I suppose. I was 14 so I didn't really know what love was. He wanted know. And I didn't. I wasn't ready. He got pretty violent very quickly and I was the closest thing"

Finns eyebrows narrowed with obvious pain.

"B-but why? Why can't you go to hospital?"

"He broke a bone in my wrist, 2 of my ribs and gave me severe concussion. I went to the hospital and they sorted me out. You know, did swabs and things. They made me talk about what happened. I've been scared of them ever since" 

I felt tears coming. Speaking about it again was terrible. I remember when I told Lewis for the first time and it took me back into depression. 

Depression is a horrible thing. Almost like your at the bottom of a deep dark hole that you can't get out of. But Lewis was a saint. He stood by me and supported me even though I was damaged. 

The tears spilled down my cheeks and I felt Finn pull me towards him.

"Shh baby. I'm here now. Its okay. Its all going to be okay"

He rocked me back and forth like a baby. I felt the horrible pain and my eye lids gaining weight. I couldn't keep my eyes open and before long I had drifted into sleep.

-Finn's POV-

She's go beautiful. Laying asleep in my arms. How could anyone hurt her? Anger frothed up inside me at the thought of that scumbag touching her and hurting her. My poor little girl. 

So many things had happened in the past few days. I had Amy to deal with, the news of my girlfriend being sexually assaulted in the past, and meanwhile I was falling deeper and deeper in love. 

I gently layed her on her bed, covering her with her blankets and walked out the room. I sat at the kitchen table, my head resting in my hands. I spotted a vodka bottle on the side. I got up, walking towards it, the clear liquid inside taunting me. Erg. I pulled a glass out of the cupboard and poured half a glass of the toxic liquid into the container. 

Picking up the glass and bringing it to my mouth, I smelt the acidic smell that seemed to burn all the hairs inside my nose. 

My poor Zoey. I can't let anyone else hurt her.

"Arh!" I yelled out loud and poured the contents of the glass down the sink. 

I'm not going back there. 

I grabbed my jacket from the back of the chair and stormed outside. I needed fresh air. I needed to get that smell out of my nose. 

Out of my head.


-Zoeys POV-


I stretch out, my legs almost meeting the end of the bed, my arms above my head. The pain had gone completely and it felt amazing to be able to move without any problems.

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