Chapter 22-

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lloooong chapter wahey. ive got god damn gcses at the moment but im writing this in my spare time, i love it muwaha. thank you for the reads, votes and comments. feel free to comment whatever you like or message me to say hi-lonely old me! the story's going to get slightly dramatic but hey, keeps you lot reading:D   and ps. it gets a bit 'steamy';) sorry if i offend anyone :) love you as much as cherry muffins!

  -Finns POV-

I stared out of the small rectangular window. The big fluffy clouds billowed up like marshmallow mountains below us, the blue sky looming dauntingly over us. I dropped my head back onto the uncomfortable seat, srunching my eyes closed and rubbing my temples.

I head the worst headache imaginable, a painful stinging in the sides of my forehead. It was proabably the altitude. I've never liked planes. I had my headphones in, some film about superheroes playing quietly on the screen. Alfie and Jack we're sat to my left, trapping me in the inside of the row. I couldn't wait to land.

We'd only been in LA for a short time, but I missed Zoey so much. Plus she'd met Amy who had spouted some crap about me not breaking up with her. This was of course a lie. How could I forget? Her screaming and crying at me down the phone. I went to LA knowing things were ending between us, Zoey just happened to help my decision.

Hmm..Zoey. I couldn't wait to see her. To hold her in my arms and smell the strong scent of coconut in her deep red hair. The thought of touching her soft skin, kissing made me feel warm.

I leaned up a turned on the individual air conditioning above me and focused it on my face.

"You alright mate?" Alfie looked over and said.

"You look a bit flushed"

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit hot" I said, emphasising the 't'.

I looked at the clock in the corner of the screen. 8:45 British time. Only 2 hours to go. I scrolled through the selection of films and chose to watch Stepbrothers. My favourite film. I laughed to myself throughout, gaining some odd looks from fellow passengers.

The next few hours flew by and soon we were waiting at the baggage claim at Heathrow. We claimed our bags surprisingly quickly and before we knew it, we were home at the flat the three of us shared in London.

"So, who wants a beer?" called Jack.  

-Zoeys POV-

My phone buzzed.

-guess who's home-

I squealed, looking at the name confirming it was my boyfriend. He was home. Back in the same country at last. I suddently felt excited and nervous all at the same time.

I had spent yesterday unpacking, cleaning and tidying the flut up ready for Finn to visit tonight. He and Alfie were coming over for drinks and movies. It should be fun. I've really missed Finn. But thinking about it, its only been 2 days. Why did it feel like longer? 

'Because you love him silly' said a tiny voice in the back of my head. Love? Love. I felt weird to think about love again.

My mind drfited to Lewis, wondering what he was doing. Maybe I should text him...

I got up and walked into my bedroom. I searched through my draws for something to wear, chucking various things onto my bed to try. I ended up chosing a pair of light blue, tight skinny jeans, a pale pink oversized jumper and my boot slippers.

Comfortable and it still looked pretty good. I combed through my hair a couple of times and touched up my make-up. I heard my phone buzz from the kitchen.

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