Chapter 11-

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-Jess' POV-

I walked into the large kitchen of the penthouse apartment Dad had rented for us over the summer. It had been a beautiful few months. Spending time with Zoey, laying on the beach for hours, going out to parties. I've loved every second.

I wandered over to the breakfast bar and glanced at the note from Zoey. She's gone out again. Wow.

Lewis is here somewhere. I hadn't seen him last night but I sure as hell heard them. He's probably still in bed. Hmm. I walked into her room and he wasn't there. Maybe they'd gone out together.

Her room is an absoulte state. She's always been the messy one out of the two of us, yet she's always looked after me, ever since we were little. I thought I'd do something nice for her and tidy her room up at bit. Seen as I didn't have anything better to do.

I cleared all the clothes up from her floor, put them into draws and decided to sweep the floor of all the crap that was laying around. I swept under the bed and found the broom halted by something.

I bent down on the floor and pulled out a heap of clothes. I started sorting them and found a large hooodie.

As soon as I saw it I knew it wasn't Zoey's. Instinct told me to smell it and it smelt very strongly of mens aftershave. This was a boys hoodie. Crap.

What has she done..

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