Chapter 13-

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-Zoey's POV-

"I told you I'd beat you!" I got up and yelled at Finn.

We'd spent the afternoon talking, laughing and just enjoying eachothers company. After the confession earlier in the morning, things were awkward at first but now I was fine. I'd just beat him at Fifa and I was going to have to bring myself to leave him. I knew it was only going to be for a day or so, but I wished I could stay.

I fell onto Finns lap and wrapped one arm around him, the other cradling his face.

"I wish things were simple" I sighed. "That we could just be together without hurting anyone, without any problems"

"I know Zoey"

I knew after today that I love Finn. Despite loving Lewis, Finn was something else completely. Something fresh and new. Something hot. Once I thought about it, I couldn't wait to get my hands on him. But what to do with Lewis?

We'd talked and decided that we would both finish with them, then go back to England and be together.

I felt his arms snake around mine and he pulled me close, staring into my eyes.

"It'll all work out princess" he murmered quietly.

I melted right there on the spot. I leaned in to kiss him. He looked at me and his eyes closed, lips parted. I moved in closer and our lips met. I felt the spark as he deepened the kiss. I felt his tounge enter my mouth as we moved. My hands made their way into his hair, my fingers tangling themselves and I felt his arms firmly on my waist. This seemed to last an enternity but was broken by the sound of the door opening and a chorus of mens laughter.

"Oh crap" Finn said and shut his eyes tightly. "Brace yourself"

But I didn't have time. A tall boy with dark hair started making his way into the door.

"Yo Fi- ooooh..sorry" he smiled cheekily.

He was very tall and quite skinny, wearing a stripy top and chino shorts. He had a lovely smile.

"Zoey this is Alfie" Finn said with a hesitant grin.

"Hey, I'm Zoey" I got up and gave him a quick hug, wary of Finn's eyes on my back.

"Nice to meet you" He grinned.

"You too" I grinned back.

I liked Alfie. He seemed friendly. Then a thought came to me. They must know about Finn's girlfriend, Amy. Had he told them about me? Were they okay with it? I took a mental note of these questions to ask Finn later. My mind momentarily flashed to Jess. I need to talk to her about this.

Alfie turned to Finn.

"All the boys are back. Don't know if you want to bring Zoey out there..they're all in a pretty good mood so" He winked.

What does that mean?

Finn looked at me. "You ready for this?"

"I am if you are" I smiled as warmly as I could.

He got up, took my hand and we followed Alfie into the lounge of the apartment.

I turned to Finn quickly. "I need to go soon, they'll be wondering where I am"

"Alright you" He winked.

We walked into the lounge and four other boys were lounging around with drinks in their hands. My first thought was that they we're all rather good looking. I turned to look at Finn and he gave me a small reassuring smile.

They all got up when they saw me and one by one I was introduced.

First was a small boy with black hair and an arm full of tatoos. I noticed a large word across his chest. He spoke with a heavy London accent.

"Hi I'm Sam" He said in his cockney accent.

"Hey" I said quietly as I awkwardly hugged him.

Next was a very tall man with a head full of dreadlocks. He wasn't amazing looking but had the most stunning muscles I've ever seen on a man.

"Im Louis nice to meet you" He smiled.

"And you" I returned his hug. He was polite and came across as the Dad of the group.

Then there was a boy with tall, dark blonde hair, stuck crazily on top of his head. He had glasses on and the wickedest smile.

"Marcus" he said with a smile that streched across one side of his face.

I giggled as he pulled me into his arms.

And finally, the last boy stood infront of me. It was Finn. But I turned and he was still behind me, a hand rested protectively on the crook of my back. I turned back to look at the boy infront of me, my mouth open in shock.

All the boys laughed and I recalled Finn mentioning his twin brother, Jack.

"Hey Jack" I laughed.

"Knew it would click. Creepy huh?" He laughed and hugged me aswell.

"Well, now you lot have met and fondled my girl, she needs to leave so if you dont mind" He said jokingly. He called me his girl, oh my.

They all laughed and Alfie shouted. "Got a stunner there ay Finny"

"I know" he called back and pulled me closer to him so I was tucked in beside him.

I liked the guys. I could see us all getting close over time, and Jess would be in her element with all the muscles.

"Bye guys, sure I'll see you all very soon" I said without the intention of sounding flirty.

"See ya" They all seemed to say at once.

Finn walked me outside the door and closed it behind him. It was about two o clock, not late enough to be suspicious but I know Jess would pick up on it. She picks up on everything.

"Interesting morning huh" Finn looked down at me.

"Could say that" I smiled weakly at him.

" Hey whats wrong?" I saw the worry in his eyes. He did care about me.

"Im scared Finn. I'm scared that im not doing the right thing here. Im not a cheat"

"I know, I feel it too" He said quietly.

"Don't get me wrong, I really like you Finn. I like you so much its taking over. Thoughts of you consume me every second of every day. But its not as simple as that. Not when theres other peoples hearts involved. But im prepared to do anything for you, so we can be together"

He smiled.

"I have to do this. I don't think we should see eachother again until I've ended things with Lewis for good, that way we'll have a better idea of whats going on"

Panic overtook Finn's eyes. "How long will that be?"

"A day or two, not long. I just need to find the right way"

But deep down, I knew it was going to hurt me just as much. Lewis is my bestfriend.

"Okay, text me when your ready. I'll miss you" He leaned down until his forehead leant against mine.

I held my breath and tried to hold back tears.

"See you soon" And with that I walked away.

All the way back to the apartment I held it together. Trying to convice myself I was doing the right thing. Arguing with myself in my head between whats right and whats wrong.

Before I knew it I was back at the apartment block. I put on my best happy face and opened the door.

I wasn't prepared for Jess lauching herself at me, holding Finns jacket. My heart stopped.

"You've got some explaining to do" She glared at me.

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