"No D, you're fine, cute actually. Are you nervous?" I ask her walking downstairs.

"I'm kinda nervous and damnit! I don't get nervous going on a date except this one. I don't know what that woman is doing to me." She grabs her coat and put it on as we headed towards my car. I can't help myself from laughing at her gesture, it's true though, Dinah is one of the most confident women I've ever met. I never get to see her freak out or get nervous when it comes to dating. My curiosity to this Normani girl is increasing and I really can't wait to meet the woman who tames my DMac.

"Don't worry D, I won't embarrass you in front of your dream girl. Once you're suited I'll be gone and look for my own date so you'll have your alone time with her."

"Actually, you don't have to go anywhere cause Mani's bringing you a date as well, it's a double date eventually."

"Wow, very considerate of her. I like her already even we haven't officially meet yet, so I approve D!" I gave my widest grin and thumbs up.

"Idiot! Let's go Chancho, don't wanna be late on our date." I started the engine and drive to the restaurant where I assumed our dates are waiting. Dinah told me, she and Normani agreed to meet up on the restaurant since her friend is picking her up from the hotel she's staying.

About fifteen minutes we had arrived in the restaurant earlier than our dates. The waiter assisted us towards our reserved table for four. Dinah liked the ambiance of the restaurant, it is simple but elegant, a Cuban style with of course Cuban dishes. We seated and look at the menu while waiting for Normani and her friend.

Not for long I notice Dinah waves her hand lightly and stood up, I turn my head and saw a gorgeous black woman approaching us whom I assume is Normani. I stood up and smile back ready to raise my hand for introduction but was interrupted by familiar face standing behind her.

"Hi gorgeous," Dinah greeted her kissing her cheeks "Normani this is Camila, Camila this is Normani... and Ms. Jauregui? Wow, never thought you two knew each other" she pulled a chair for Normani as I felt obliged to do the same for Lauren.

"Nice to finally meet you Camila, sorry haven't mentioned Lauren is a good friend of mine. I didn't know you knew each other either."

"Wow, I should have known I've been set for a blind date with my future wife." My confidence for tonight is building up since I saw Lauren's stunning self, her see-through black dress is giving me no justice. "You look absolutely breathtaking tonight, Lauren" I smiled at her and give her a quick pick in the cheeks then settled back in my chair.

"Thank you Ms. Cabello, such a gentle woman" she gave me that half smile which I find it a combination of hot and cute at the same time.

"I hope you girls are not too picky, though the food in here is heaven. I assure you, they serve the best cubanos in here." I said reassuring them

"I don't doubt you Walz, you have good taste buds and you know Miami than I do so I trust you fully. You're lucky if you get married to my friend Ms. Jauregui, she's not just good in holding camera but also the best cook I've ever known." Dinah raised her hand and did an 'ok sign' winking at me.

"Please no need to be very formal, just call me Lauren." Lauren said smiling at Dinah and turns her gaze on me. "If I'm lucky, I would love to see my wife wearing an apron while preparing our dinner in our kitchen it'll be sexy" she smirks.

"Thanks D, but she's exaggerating. I know how to cook but not as good as Ramsey Gordon'' I smile at her "also, I bet you'll truly love seeing me cook in our kitchen since I only wear underwear when I cook." I saw her jaw slightly dropped I guess it's my turn to put up my smirk on. I heard Dinah and Normani laughing out loud.

"I bet Lauren will definitely love to see you in an apron and underwear. Maybe she'll leave work as early than she usually does. I warn you Camila, this woman is a workaholic bitch!" Normani said gaining a death glare from Lauren but continues to laugh at her friend.

"Don't worry Mani, same goes to this bitch! I mean when it comes to work, you can't have a break with her. There's this one time we did a photo-shot with Harry Styles and Zayn Malik for some magazine, she made us work our asses hard and finishes the shot in just half a day. She's the worst boss ever, lucky you don't work for her." Dinah exclaimed giving Normani her exaggerating facial expression.

"Hey! We were fully booked by that time besides that was just light project; we could even do it in an hour if those assholes weren't late. You're such a drama queen! Don't believe on everything she tells you Normani, she's such a child sometimes." Dinah glares at me but Normani just laughs at her.

"I could picture out Camila and Lauren, two bossy couple leaves under one roof giving orders with each other. Oh my god! I can't wait to witness those days. This is going to be interesting." Normani gives Lauren and me a teasing laugh.

"Surely going to be interesting, isn't it Mrs. Jauregui?" Lauren looks at me wearing her smirk.

"Who says I'll be carrying your name? Mrs. Cabello sounds better." I wink at her sipping the wine the waiter served us, leaning my back in the chair facing her side. I wonder what disaster awaits for me if I marry this woman.


Maybe next chapter has more Camren interaction... 😏
What do you think?

Business Deal (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora