Apollo: but it's January...

Thalia Grace: -.-


~In the private messaging group~

Thalia Grace: there I did it. Now I get to make somebody do something?

Annabeth Chase: yep

Thalia Grace: hmmm I wanna pick jason but I can't since he just did that for me...

Thalia Grace: Drew, truth or dare?

Drew Tanaka: dare

Thalia Grace: kiss Jason and show us the picture on here

Jason Grace: you've got to be kidding

Thalia Grace: nope. you're welcome, bro


Thalia Grace: jealous much?

Piper McLean: -.-

~a few minutes later~

Jason Grace: jason won't let me kiss him! (this is drew!)

Thalia Grace: come on Jay-jay, you've got to follow by the rules

Jason Grace: JAY-JAY????

Thalia Grace: i've still got your baby pics

Jason Grace: omg i sooooo want to see those!

Leo Valdez: me too!

Thalia Grace: ???

Jason Grace: that was drew again sorry

Thalia Grace: ah that makes sense

Jason Grace: kay Drew you can kiss me now

Jason Grace posted a picture 

[Jason is sitting in his chair being unwillingly kissed by Drew who is all over him]

Jason Grace: you can leave now

Drew Tanaka: I'm back. So... Piper, truth or dare?

Piper McLean: oh god... um truth i guess

Drew Tanaka: did you ever like anyone other than jason?

Piper McLean: that is so not fair, I had fake memories and everything so how am i supposed to know?

Drew Tanaka: that sounds like a yes

Piper McLean: when did i ever say that?

Drew Tanaka: well, you're avoiding my question

Piper McLean: I am not!

Drew Tanaka: you are too!

Piper McLean: this is pathetic

Drew Tanaka: YOU'RE pathetic

Piper McLean: you just hate me because I'm ENGAGED to your crush

Connor Stoll renamed the group: Sissy Fight

Piper McLean renamed the group: Drew is annoying

Travis Stoll renamed the group: Sissy Fight

Piper McLean renamed the group: shut up you too

Annabeth Chase renamed the group: *Shut Up You Two

Piper McLean renamed the group: oh who cares

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