So It Seems I'm Someone I've Never Met.

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A/N First fanfiction ever, so be tolerant :3 Feel free to share and comment!

Brendon’s POV

First day trying not to talk since what happened this weekend while at home. I swear this is the most difficult thing I’ve ever experienced, behind learning guitar all by myself. It was really hard to see people that cared about you, agitated and, trying to get an explanation out of your mouth. It’s like, you’re hungry, and you have plenty of good things to eat in front of you, and you know that eating them would make you feel better, but you just can't touch them since you promised yourself not to. Yeah, that’s exactly how it felt.

I hadn’t seen Spencer for the two first school hours, but I was used to it. You know, Spencer was the kind of guy who attracted most of... wait. Every single pretty chick who saw him, and he liked to 'hang out' with them in the morning, or... most of the time.

I was suddenly awaken from my thoughts by this -Bang bang bangbangbang bangbangbangbang bang bang- thing Spencer did every morning on the class door when he arrived. He came in and sat next to me as always, with his usual morning smile that meant “Crazy night, bro”.

“Hey dude!” He whispered, not quietly at all. I looked at him, quite amused by the fact he was calling me 'dude'. I half-smiled, but didn’t answer. He poked me in the shoulder. “Brendon, I said hey dude!”, but still, I didn’t give him any answer. “You know, most of the time, when someone says ‘hey dude’ to somebody, the somebody concerned gives him an answer, just saying.” I looked at him again, faking an exhausted look, and I saw a smirk appearing on his face. What was wrong with him? I saw him take out a piece of paper, and tick next to a sentence I couldn't see from where I was.

“Piss off Brendon, done!” I couldn’t help but let out a little laugh. “Now,” he said, “what about talking, would you talk a little bit? Talking is good you know? Just talk Brendon! I know you’re dying to! Talk, talk, talk, talk, taaaaaalk…” He truly knew how to piss me off enough to make me ‘taaaaalk’.

“SPENCE! What about shutting you goddamn mouth right now, yeah?” Not talking to Spencer was, as you seen, impossible.

“Sure!” He took back his piece of paper and ticked on it again, “Fucking piss off Brendon, done!” He was smirking again.

“Screw you, Spencer.” I said with a smile that threatened to turn into a laugh.

The rest of the hour passed by really fast since Spencer and I were trying to communicate with our hands. With weird moves of course, we couldn’t do anything the normal way, or not ridiculously. We were ridiculously weird. There was nothing to do about it.

So the hour was done and it was lunch time. We made our way to our table, yes our table. We were kind of popular in here, well Spencer was, and I was the so called ’cutie’ guy that was by his side. I’ve never appealed anybody though. Or not enough to make this person come and talk to me. I didn’t mind, I had music, Spencer and, food. Damn I was hungry, so hungry the food they were giving us this noon, well if it was food, satisfied me.

“So! What's the matter Brendon? Do you want to talk or something? You know I’m not good at listening people so take your chance while I’m all-ear.” He said. I could see he was a little bit concerned about how I was acting. There was a war in my head between the feeling of telling him everything, the feeling of keeping that for me and reassure him, and the feeling of not answering at all. I chose the second one.

“No, I’m ok, trust me!”

“Fine, I’ll stop bothering you with that, but know that if you feel the need to talk I’m-” He’d been cut by one the girls of a singing class staring at him from the beginning of the lunch. I think her name was Sewssen or something like that, and her voice was like an angel one, I swear. Anyway, I wasn’t listening to what they were saying. Spencer put his hand on my shoulder, “I’ll be back!” he said. Obviously he wouldn’t be back, so I spent the rest of the day with… me? That made it easier not to talk anyway.

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