The iman was sitted in the living room and across him was a white sand bed, decorated in pitch, it was separated by a thick purdah, the groom was sitted by one side and Ruba kept najwa on the other side,
"Do you najwa, daughter of Abid ahmad farouqi take mahir Shakur as your wedded" husband asked the priest, najwa was quiet , and I could see tears prickle in her eyes.
God I hope she says yes, why is she all emotional when we had the nikkah yesterday.
I wonder what's going on in her mind, my thoughts started growing wilder till I heard her say a clear and loud "yes " I felt relief, I was probably worrying over nothing.

The priest asked the same question twiced, and this time she answered without any hesitations. The groom was asked the same question and his response tallies with hers.

They where all given a paper to sign on.,
Abid held my hands tightly and protectively as the wedding took place and the wedding event unfolds.

Seeing them brought up memories , flash backs from my wedding day.
They were a lot happier than I was, I wished them all the happiness in this world and may they always stay happy.
All the wedding ritual was completed and it was finally time for the bride to leave with her groom's family, that is always the hardest part for every girl to do.
Maria, and Abida help Me arranged najwa's stuff in the grooms car booth,
Najwa cried her heart out as she was to leave, into a life which she has no idea what it will be like, it took us a great deal to remove her from her father's arm, which she held tightly crying.

Even farida cried hard, she wanted to leave with her elder sister seeing how close they have grown up to be, but for certain reasons we stopped her from going.
Najwa placed her five digits on mahir's car glass window as it drives out of our lawn.

The wedding was finally over and the guest started leaving, even Ammi's guest waited for the bride departure before leaving.
It was a spectacular wedding indeed, it will definitely going to be the talk of kwajor city for a while.
The daughter of the farouqi's family getting married is one of the cities grand gossip.

"Badia!, Badia", called Ruba,running towards me.
" What now am tired let me be please" I pleaded with Ruba unable to count mysteps, I am so exhausted that I couldn't even walk straight to my room.
"Look what I saw" said Ruba passing me her Mac book .
It was the news feed.
The daughter of the farouqi's getting married to Qatar's business tycoon mahir Shakur written in bold letters at the top of the news feed, "this!!," I frown
"Tell me something I don't know" I said getting irritated.
"No...not that".
"Below it" ,
It was tragic but I was amazed and found a sudden energy flow right inside me,
I smiled devilishly, "we all reep what we sow" I said bluntly.
It was written in bold letters that Abbas, had passed away in prison a day ago.
"Poor thing, look at how he wasted his life" said Ruba.
" Wasn't his sentenced 15years? " I asked.
It's like 19-20 years now?.
Am a bit confused.
"Apparently,  his sentence got increase ...he did something bad there" she explained.
God. " Oh " I said not surprised a bit.

May Allah forgive all his wrong doing , I prayed softly to my creator  on behalf on Abbas.
"Uhmm" I said, handing her back her mac book and disappearing into the hallways.

I made sure all my kids were asleep before I headed to my room.
After the stressful  day, the last thing the two of us need is any disturbance.
I and my unborn baby were exhausted.
I lay on the bed, closed my eyes trying really hard to get to sleep.
"I love you", whispered Abid.
I opened my eyes gently and saw Abid facing me.
"Abid is past 11, now " I groan.
"Don't you know your daughter just got wedded ,and am exhausted why don't you  let me rest a while " i said get irritated.
At this stage of my pregnancy am quite hormonal, and when am tired I seem to act bitchy .

"I wish today was our wedding, the feeling, I can't imagine how lucky I am to have you
It would have been superb, and our first night, ..."
My pupil dilated, my ears grew satellite just to hear what Abid would say.
"It would have been ...A fairytale come true" smirked Abid.
Just the thought of what our wedding night might have been, send chills to my body..
"How I would have held you by your waist, pull you closer, feel the warmth of your body over mine, kiss your temple, caressing it., touching you gently over all the right areas, sending kisses to you, from your toe's all the way to your forehead.
Coming back to your lips, concentrating there, Deepening the kiss and finally. .."says Naughty Abid.
Just the thought of what our wedding night might have been sends sensations through my spines even at this condition,
The first day of our wedding day came crawling back to my head, I had flash backs of how I spend most of it alone and how lonely I was.
Ruba was my saviour,.
"Get up now " I pushed Abid really hard off the bed "Be careful before you hurt my little baby" he said slyly.
Abid had really come along way,
from saying nothing to being playful,
I do not mind how naughty my Abid might be atimes , am just glad I have him and we love one another.
Your daughter just got married and you're here dreaming of what yours should have been.
You're such a naughty daddy" I scolded Abid teasingly.
"You just take care of the symbol of our love" said Abid as he dashes off to the bathroom.
He was right, indeed it is the symbol of our love, I placed my hands over my bump caressing it, feeling it as it kicks.
I had carried the symbol of our love for the fourth time now, and I am more than convince that Now Abid loves me more than live it self.

My life is complete, I did get everything I ever wanted , even beyond,
"Won't you come freshen up before going to bed, after such a distressful day" said Abid, more like an invitation from inside the bathroom.
Of course i need to freshen up.
"Coming in a minute" I yelled.
I took a towel from the room cabinet and joined Abid.
Minutes later Abid led us in nafl prayer..

I never believed I had what it takes to MEND his broken heart, 
But I did.  Everyone says once a heart  is broken,  it can never be mended, I call it bluff. The power of  love is beyond all. I did brought a smile to his face, I made his life colourful again. No one could have brought joy into my life as he did.
Today, am proud to say, I am the girl who MENDED A BROKEN HEART.

THE END......

Alhamdulillah , I have finally come to the end of this story, I hope you all enjoyed it and will miss Abid and Badia like I would.
See you all soon.

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