Chapter 13: Hard A Starboard!

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Although Becca, Salali and T were not authorized employees, they took odd jobs like they were. The other crew members seemed to think that they were hired in another department. Everyone liked the trio. They were funny and always ready with a joke to pick the others up. Every night they would creep down to the baggage hold to sleep. They were watching,waiting. Waiting for the right opportunity to speak to Captain Smith. They had seen themselves from a distance but steered away so they they would not be seen.

Each day was the same, but the group was starting to get impatient. They needed to do something to stop what they had been doing. They had to put their brains together to form a plan more brilliant than the last one.


It came one night as they were drifting off to sleep. Becca suddenly sat bolt upright. "I've got it!" She exclaimed. "We can sneak up to the bridge at night, in our uniforms and take the warnings away."

Confused, Salali and T looked at her. "What?"

"I mean we need to come up with a way to divert those letters away from the bridge."

Talking it over, they all thought it was a good idea- in theory, but the bridge was well guarded, only messengers and officers could go there. They talked about wearing masks and forcing them selves to give up the messages. This seemed like the better option. Plans were made immediately for this.


As they crept up behind the past Iris and T, they had a sudden twinge of guilt. After all, they were not the fighting type. They had to do something though, or else Iris would not be coming back ever. T spoke first. In a gruff voice that surprised even him, he threatened that harm would come to them if they delivered the messages to the bridge.

Through the mask he looked sorrowfully at Iris. She looked frightened. It was working though. She turned to the other T and told him to rip up the note. She was not going to risk the lives of her friends to save the Titanic. He complied and you could see them ripping up the telegram. Now all they had to do was wait.


The night of April 14, 1912 loomed up again. The three waited with baited breath, watching for the iceberg. The had to let things play out- the way they were supposed to. Across the deck they could see themselves with the binoculars, and then they ran. Becca, Salali and T knew what they were trying to do. They were now making a final plea to stop the ship from turning. The group from the past came out and there was silence. Then it came: "Hard a Starboard!" 

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