Chapter 3: More Research

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"Look what I found!" Everyone gathered around the book T had been scanning. "It says here that the bridge didn't have binoculars!"

"Really. How stupid is that?"

"Why on earth would anyone not have binoculars aboard a ship?"

"It says here that Captain E J Smith said, and I quote, 'an experienced seaman can see ice better with his own eyes than with binoculars.' T replied.

"Yeah, and look what happened. It sank because they could not see the ice in enough time to warn the captain. What a joke." Becca voice was full of mocking.

"I found some interesting info as well." Whispered Salali. "Some prisoners were in the brig at the time it sank. They drowned. Those officers gave them no chance to survive."

The whole group was appalled at the cruelty that some of the officers had to offer. After a few hours of not finding a whole lot of new information, they started to doze off.

"What do you say about taking a break? I know I need it." Yawned Becca.

"I agree. Let's take a walk or something. We all need to stretch our legs." T leaned back and stretched.

As everyone got up, Becca suddenly noticed that Iris was no longer with them. Everyone was very concerned. The last they had seen of her was when she was looking at a book on the floor over an hour ago. The book was still there, but no Iris! The group was certainly down in the dumps knowing that their best friend was gone. They did the only thing they could. They set out to look for her.


 Iris got up off the ground. Just in time too, barreling toward her was a horse and carriage! She jumped out out the way. She had no idea where she was. All she knew was that one moment she was reading a book written by Lightoller, and the next she was slipping away and landed on the ground in an unknown place. The language here was foreign.Iris looked around for who or what could've taken her here. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. (Unless you count the fact that Iris was not in the library anymore.)

"Where am I?" Iris tried to ask the people around her. They all looked at her like she was either crazy, or they did not understand her. Iris was on the verge of tears. She just wanted to go home and see her friends and family, especially T.


T,Becca, and Salali were frantic now. They had been looking for over an hour now, but she still had not been found. Becca had avoided phoning her parents because she did not want to alarm them, but now she had no choice. Her hand trembled and she dialed the number.


"Hi Mrs. Handan. I... I .... Don't know how to tell you this but ...Iris is missing. She has been for a few hours!"


"Strange. I have a lot of money on me. I couldn't have been kidnapped. Where am I?" Iris broke down in tears when she thought of how much she would be missed by her parents. She was so ashamed that before she went to hang outwith her friends she had gotten in a fight with them. If only she could go home or find out where she was then maybe she could go home.Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Iris looked up. A kind motherly face smiled at her.

"Are you OK ma'am?" she asked.

"No.I don't know where I am. I got into a fight with my parents and now I will never see them again."

"Well lassie, I kin tell ye where ye are. Yer in Belfast, Irelan' an'the year is 1912. In jest a few days the Titanic 'ill sail ta' Englan' an' then on ta' er' maiden voyage."

Iris starred. She had gone back in time, and was just days away from the most famous ship's maiden voyage!


Becca went home that night feeling like she was the one to blame. Iris'parents had made her feel guilty about her friend's disappearance.She knew that they would find her eventually. That night, Becca cried herself to sleep. She tried to think of places that Iris could be.


Salali trudged home in tears. Her next best friend had vanished into thin air. How would she explain to her parents why she was so sad? Iris couldn't be dead. That was just not possible! Salali thought about how Iris must feel, alone, in a strange place. She made a silent vow:she would not rest until she could find Iris.


 Tran home once they had given up the search for the evening. He had a lot of things on his mind. Being in grade twelve, he needed to get a good grade on this research paper. Then the boys in his grade had started to pick on him for hanging out with the girls and being part of their group for the project. But the most important one: "Where was Iris?"

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