Chapter 6: Departure

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Thank you to @Canadian_Bookworm for pointing out that I missed a chapter. There will hopefully still be one out later today as well. This one is a bonus.


They turned. In his hand were four tickets for the Titanic's maiden voyage! He explained that he wanted them to board the ship as first class passengers, and to use their status to convince Captain Edward John Smith about the position, to make sure all ice warnings reached him and above all to make sure that Ismay did not control the ship's speed.

"Your cabins has four bedrooms that you can use. I will make sure that your table is the same one that Captain Smith has. Also you are allowed to have free rein of the ship. If anyone questions you tell them that you have my permission. Now, Take this money and buy some clothes.You can't be in first class unless you look the part."

Salali was the first to speak up. "T..Thank you Mr. Andrews.

Salali turned with the rest of the pack. They had work to do. Iris, and T went to get the clothes while Salali and Becca wandered the stores to get some other supplies.


After all the supplies had been gathered the four met up at the docks. This was the first time that any of them had seen the Titanic this close. The pictures in the book did it no justice. It's true, you could see the grandeur from the pictures, but to be able to experience it and see it first hand was even better! It was almost three football fields in length and one in width! The quartet stood in awe. They looked around for the First Class entrance and boarded the ship. The inside had even more grandeur than the outside. They were led to their suites.

In one corner stood a four-poster bed, a bedside table and a lamp. The curtains were silk trimmed with lace. Each one had their own room complete with room service and their own maid. Iris was shocked at how first class were treated. She asked their bellboy if he could give them a tour of the ship. He agreed saying he was under the orders of Mr. Andrews to see to it they had full rein of the ship.

"Even in third class?" T asked as innocently as he could.

"I am surprised that first class people like yourselves would want to associate with the likes of them." The bellboy spoke with clear prejudice.

Iris answered for them. "Our parents taught us that we should not treat people differently because of their class. God created everyone the same so why shouldn't we treat them as equals?"

T, Becca and Salali nodded their heads in agreement. Reluctantly, the bellboy agreed to take them down. He told them that the third class would not be happy to see them. Usually when a first class came down to see them it meant that someone was going to be killed or whipped or the like. They had better change into old and ragged clothing.


Down, down, down, they went. It felt like they were going right to the belly of the ship. When they got there the quartet were appalled at the conditions that the third class had to endure. The rooms were filthy and six people were crammed into one. The sink was mounted in the middle off the room visible to everyone. The beds were bunked and the food was simple. Not at all like first class. To sum it up it was dark and dingy. The only luxury they seemed to have was a small lamp on the side of the room.


The bellboy would not stay any longer in third class so he excused himself and climbed the stairs back up to first class. Iris, T,Becca, and Salali started to explore the halls. Becca and Salali together and Iris and T together.

Iris sauntered down one corridor and the next. Suddenly, she came upon a cell. She sighed. Soon there would be someone in there drowning. She set her jaw and was more determined than ever to save the Titanic.


 The funnels huffed and puffed. The engines roared. The boat deck was crowded with people waving to friends and relieves. Excitement was in the air. Hundreds of people from all walks of life were about to start their journey to a new life in America. T was shouting something to Iris but she couldn't tell what. It was too noisy. Iris,T, Becca, and Salali turned and went back to their cabin.

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