Chapter 8: Ice Burg

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A/N: Thank you so much for all the support on Titanic: Could it be Saved? I never expected to get over 300 reads in such a short amount of time. This was my favorite part to write so far as it is what I have been building up to in the last 5 chapters. Enjoy!


April 14, 1912, 10:30 pm.

Iris, T, Becca and Salali stood on the frigid boat deck. Watching for any signs of the ice burg. It was a calm night. The sea was still as glass. This made it dangerous to spot icebergs with out binoculars because there were no waves breaking against the base. Iris looked around at all the people with them on deck. She wondered how many would still die if they managed to stop the sinking. It was getting colder. She shivered and leaned against T for warmth. They had been out here for half an hour and the temperature must have dropped five degrees since then.


T squinted through the binoculars. Still nothing. They should begetting close to the burg any time. He looked at his watch: 10:59. 43 minutes until the Titanic struck the ice burg. It seemed like forever. Going inside wasn't an option. They had to outside to spot the burg and warn the crew sooner.


April 14, 1912, 11: 38 pm

Becca shouted. It was now her turn to watch from the binoculars. Everyone took turns and they all saw the same thing. A tiny white dot has appeared on the horizon, and it was getting bigger at an alarming rate. They all turned and sprinted toward the wheel house. This was the last chance they would have to save the Titanic.

"Captain Smith!" Salali yelled, breathless. "You need to listen to us!"

He raised an eyebrow at the four teens who had been causing trouble on the ship. "What is it now?" He asked annoyed.

T spoke up. "There is an ice burg approaching, sir. Fast. Don't pay attention to the order you will-"T was cut off by a call from the crows-nest.

"Ice burg, dead ahead! Hard a starboard!"

The four teens looked at Captain Smith pleadingly. "Ignore it, if you don't you and 1500 people will die! Please, you have to believe us.We're from the future!" Salali, Becca and T looked at Iris. They had all promised one another that they would not reveal their secret to anyone else. Captain Smith ordered them out.

Dejected and depressed the four turned and left the wheelhouse. They had done all they could. Now it was up to the captain. They waited to feel the boat turning but nothing happened.


April 14, 1912, 11:40 pm

Everyone on deck was catapulted forward as the Titanic hit the ice burg head on. The engines shut down and everything was still. Mr. Andrews came out to speak with them. "Were you able to stop it from sinking?" He asked.

"It depends. What is the damage like?" Salali spoke up.

"The whole front of the hull is damaged. The watertight doors are closed as a safety measure and we have sent out a CQD and an SOS to all ships in the area. It will float for at least five hours before it sinks. What do you suggest we do next?"

"Get all the crew up here and start loading the life boats. Get everyone up here wearing life boats. Whatever you do, do NOT lock the third class passengers down there! Even if it doesn't sink soon, we can have no class discrimination in this. Also, put the maximum number of people in each boat"


April 15, 1912, 2:15 am

All 35 lifeboats have been loaded. The night just kept getting colder and they would still have to wait another hour and a half until the Carpathia arrives. Cries rose up from the other boats. "Get us back on the Titanic! It is not sinking so why do we have to freeze out here?"One hysteric woman demanded.

Iris, Salali, and Becca were on one boat together as they had gotten on sooner than T, being women. They were scanning the water looking for both him and any sign that the Carpathia would be arriving.


April 15, 1912, 4:00 am

Shouts of joy rose up from the boast farthest out to sea. A rescue boat had come at last! Slowly, the Carpathia gathered all the boats up from the water. It was mid-morning by the time all the Titanic's passengers were on board the rescue ship. The Titanic still floated proudly on the water, gradually getting smaller on the horizon as the Carpathia steamed out of sight.


On the Carpathia everything was in chaos. Passengers milled about with hot drinks, blankets, food, and the necessary clothing. Titanic passengers were being recorded on the passenger list of the Carpathia. No family had lost a member. There was not mourning for lost ones.

"It's so different." Iris commented to her friends. "There is supposed to weeping and people searching for their family members."

"I know what you mean." T replied "I'm glad that it turned out this way. No one needs to go through what these passengers did before we changed it."

Three days later, the Carpathia docked at New York Harbor. The four friends gathered up their meager belongings and alighted from the ship. Having completed their work. They set out for home.

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