My cheeks lighten up into a deep red colour , I was flushing.
I could feel his eyes over me which made me melt for him.
Abid gaze deepens , even I was lost in his eyes, in his world full of fulfilled promises.

Abid bends down a little , making his way to my lips, even I was anxious to feel his lips on mine.
Even at this age, Abid's touch does wonders to me.
"Mum, mum" yelled farida running into the room making Abid abort his desired mission,  my poor husband.
Both I and Abid's attention now landed on farida.
"What's wrong?" I rolled my eyes.
"Why did you came here running in without  your salam?" I scolded farida.
"Mum, aunt Maria just arrived, she's  here for najwa's wedding"  beamed farida.
The look Abid had is priceless.
"Common let's go welcome her" Said faree dragging me off my chair.
With that, both I and farida existed the room leaving Abid behind.

"Maria , welcome it's been ages "  I squirmed.
"It's been quite  a while" she  answered

" And where's firdaws? " I asked.
"She just left with amra. . ., she didn't even wait to say hy to her aunt" Said maria
"Of course she did " I smiled.
Firdaws is  Maria's only daughter,  age mate to my twins Amra and Amar.
:Uhmm, badia  hows farida's health.....When she came to let us in, she was panting like someone whom has just gotten off, from a horse race track " said Maria.
"She's doing okay,  she does  pants for air , sometimes when she does little to no excise like climbing the stairs fast.
her issue is somewhat  critical" I explain.
"How about the operation you told me about a couple of years back ?" asked Maria.
"Yes the doctor , suggested that she gets operated because her condition keeps on getting worse, we honestly do our best to make sure she's comfortable and happy, Abid and I gave her the tender care and love even more than we can offer, but am now less terrified because I put all my trust in Allah and I trust his judgement".

"Alhmdlh, may Allah bring her ease"
"Thank Allah, that amongst all your children only farida suffers from such illness" she taps my shoulders and continued talking .
"You see najwa, Amar, Amra ,and lairab are all ok and healthy " said Maria.
" Yes" I agreed.
"And your unborn child would be free from any illness in sha Allah", said Maria placing her hands on my baby bump.
I got shy , and gentle removed her hands.
"In sha Allah".
"We will take the operation,  but you know since farida grew older she's  afraid to take the operation and the doctor said we should try not to upset her at any cost, we'll have to wait till she overcomes her phobia" , I said warmly.

"I wished you didn't listen to Mum when she said to wait till farida gets older , but what is done is done".
"Now where is the bride to be" asked Maria.
"She's having her henna done"  I replied cheerfully.

"And where's Ruba " asked Maria.
"She hasn't arrived , you know Ruba lives overseas now, she promise to be here as early as she could by tomorrow" I explained.
"No wonder the house isn't as cheerful as it use to be " Maria  mocks .

"You go now and freshen up , you can find Abida,  at the patio performing the henna function for najwa" I suggest.

All the guest where at the other part of the house, the wedding festivals has already started,
Even mum and Ammi are in the part of the house which is now noisy and crowded with guest.
I surely will miss my najwa., tears  started to run down my cheeks on remembering farida, and how she would miss her only daughters wedding. Every mothers dream, is to see her daughter get married into a responsible home.
Today would have been complete if farida was here to share this blissful moments with her daughter,  my daughter.
The thought of been in her shoes and missing my faree's wedding breaks my heart into pieces.
Alhmdlh I am here for najwa.

"Badia!!, Badia" yelled Maria knocking me out of my thoughts.
"What's wrong ?" asked Maria wiping off my tears.
"Nothing" I lied.
I don't believe you, know tell me what's going on, frown Maria.
"It's just that I will miss najwa" I said .
"Of course you will, every mother feels the same way letting her daughter go but it's part of life,
Your daughter will be just fine" Said Maria.
I stood mute, watching Maria.
What would I ever do without  a sister like her?.

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