Part 25: A shocking Revelation

Start from the beginning

Woohyun smiles idiotically, "Keep my date occupied and take her home."

I panicked, "Wait You're leaving me here?!

"Sorry Jina. I totally forgot that we were supposed to meet up with the members." Woohyun winked. "Sorry."

Wooden rushed out but I managed to grab his arm.

"The plan is in action." He whispers in my ears with a smirk and leaves.

I am left speechless. I did not plan this out at all. What was I thinking? I should never have agreed to this! I turned back to Joon Myun nervously and smiled. He smiles back, not saying anything. Looks like I have to be the conversation starter.

Me: So I seen you around the company.

He doesn't answer, more focused on his drink so I try again.

Me: So how's the debut coming? I heard that there's a lot of members.

Joon Myun: I'm sorry, but we're not supposed to give out confidential information.

How stupid am I.

Me: You're right, sorry I shouldn't have asked.

It was back to silence again. I was too nervous to try to think of another question to break the silence. I was never the outgoing one as a child. I left that job to my friends.

The he suddenly put down his glass and left. Great, I wanted hide hide under a rock and never come out. Well that was an epic fail. Not that I was expecting to be successful anyways.


-Suho's POV-

After Woohyun left the conversation to just me and Jina, I felt there was no point for me to stay there anymore. Woohyun may have asked me to look out for that girl, but I never promised to do so. That girl is his responsibility. I paid no attention to her as she tries to start a conversation with me and left the scene.

I began searching for my mother. That woman always disappears and I always seem to have difficulty finding her. I found her standing by the wine with her friends.

Me: I'm leaving now.

Suho's mother: If you insist, go right ahead. Just remember to stop by tomorrow okay?

Me: All right.

I made my exit and walked out into the hallway that directs to the underground garage. From a distance, Woohyun reemerges. I intended to ignore and walk pass him when he grabs my shoulders.

Woohyun: Where's Jina?

I didn't answer, took his hands away from my shoulders, and walked away. He manages to catch up to me and regrabs my shoulders.

Me: I thought you had plane to catch.

Woohyun: And I asked you a question. Where's Jina?

Me: I have somewhere to be right now so I'll need you to get your hands off me.

He tightens his grip on my shoulders.

Woohyun: I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it. Where's Jina?


-Jina's POV-

Waiter: May I help you to some wine?

Me: Oh no thank you, I'm underage.

Walter: May I ask your age?

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