I got a bit angry to and said, "No I won't! You think I want to go out there again? I'm never going to be able to move on."

He smiled at me and playfully said, "Well it sounds like when you lost your arm you lost some brain cells along with it."

I was shocked after what my dad said as the whole room was silent.

I then punched him on the side of his arm and said happily, "You jerk!"

We both then laughed happily as Doctor Oobleck and Professor Port both seem to have gotten relief after knowing we were just joking around.

Doctor Oobleck then said to me, "An extraordinary person you are Ms Xiao Long. You'll be capable of returning back into action easily."

I smiled at them and said, "Please, that's too formal right now, just call me Yang."

Professor Port then said happily to me, "Well, Yang, I'm sure you'll be able to bring that passion back in you and train even harder with your father."

A knock was then heard as my dad then said, "Who could that be?"

My dad went to go open the door, as I heard from the kitchen a surprised and nervous sounding conversation coming from my dad, "Hello?....W-Well this is a surprise! W-Why are you here ma'am?"

The other person must be a woman, as I heard her voice which sounded gentle and kind, "I believe you are Taiyang Xiao Long correct? I don't mean to interrupt anything but, may I come in please?"

My dad stuttered as he said, "W-Why yes! Please, c-come in! Make yourself at home!"

My dad then walked back into the kitchen, as he said to us nervously, "Um, we have a new guest."

The stranger then walked in, while she had short shaggy jet black hair that was spiky while she had some bangs on her forehead.

Along with her attire composed of an orange battle skirt, a pink top with a blue cherry blossom insignia on her orange outside shirt, while she carried two katanas on her back.

She also had small boots on, as her light blue eyes were illuminating along with her curvy figure.

I noticed Professor Port and Doctor Oobleck who were shocked to see this woman, as she then said smiling, "Well now, didn't think I'd have this kind of a reaction."

I was a bit skeptical and then asked her, "Um, who are you?"

She then smiled at me and said, "I am Lucy Heart, and I believe my son Goku has gotten himself into a family affair."

I was shocked too, as I then said, "Wait, your Uncle Goku's mother!"

She then was surprised and then smiled brightly, "Oh I see now. You must've decided to make my son apart of your family, well I'm glad to say that I am honored that my son has been given that big of a responsibility Taiyang."

She was talking to my dad, as he then rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Well, actually it was my wife Summer who wanted him to be apart of the family. She saw that he could've been a wonderful person to be apart of our family, and he has, especially towards my two daughters."

Before she or I could've said anything Doctor Oobleck then said quickly, "How can this be?! Lucy Heart! The legendary Cherry Blossom who's name is known all over Remnant, especially to this day! What are you doing here?!"

Professor Port then said surprised as well, "And look at you! You look like you've haven't aged at all! Not one bit!"

She then smiled brightly and rubbed the back of her head, as she said while walking next to me, "Yeah, well that's a really funny story. Back then about a year before I ever found Goku as a baby, I was injured and nursed back to health by a stranger. She was very kind to me and told me something interesting, 'You are a person of extraordinary power, a person who is pure of heart. You must continue to spread your life, and continue to live.' After that, I didn't know what she meant, and I never saw her again. By the time Goku was on his way to Beacon, I did notice something about me, and that was my age. I'm pretty sure I'm around 26 years old even though I should honestly be around my 40's. Whatever that stranger did, she made me younger again."

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