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Yoo Jae Suk: why are you mincing the garlic?

Kim Jong Kook: because I can't mince you.


How many of you guys play the app Episode?? Please let me know hahah

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How many of you guys play the app Episode?? Please let me know hahah. I know I'm 17 but I'm honestly still a child lol.

Also let me know if you guys have read my story Running Man High??

I'm thinking of making a story on episode where u guys can be Ji Hyo and choose whether you want to be on the Monday Couple path or the Spartace Path! Some of it would follow the story line but I'm thinking of making some changes to those that choose the Spartace story line!

Let me know please because I'll only do it if people will actually play the game :)

[C] Running Man Facts+Quotes PART 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora