Time Changes.

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Vanessa's POV:

I strolled through the garden as usual and found my bench. I sat down there. Thinking. How much my life has changed! I'm a 16 year old now. So many things... There are so many things I've left behind and so many more I've tried to forget. Like my dad.

I don't know who he is. What type of a person he is. If he exists anymore. I don't know anything. Not a single thing. It used to bug me so much when I was a kid. But it doesn't now. Not anymore.

Subconsciously I started to sing a tune as I stared into the clear, open blue sky. The tune became song.

"Yesterday I thought I saw your shawdow Running around. Its funny how hmm hmm hmmm hmm hmmm town."

A light breeze hit me.

"If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you. Drive highways and by ways to be there with you. Over and over the only truth. Everything comes back to you."

I felt someone behind me and turned around to see a guy with blond hair staring down at me. His blue eyes held fascination and mystery and happiness.

"Excuse me?"

"Uh.. Can I sit here?" His accent was thik.

"Sure." I said and turned around.

"That song.. What's the name of it?"

"I don't know. My mom used to sing it to me while putting me to sleep when I was a kid."

"Wow. That's amazing."

"Yeah. It is."

"I'm Niall. Niall Horan."

"I'm Vanessa." We smiled at each other.

"So Vanessa how old are you?"

"16. I suppose you are pretty old."

"Yeah. 37!" He laughed.

"That's my mom's age."

"Wow. So um.. What does your dad do?"

"I.. Uh.. I don't know him. I mean I haven't seen him ever in my life."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Its ok. But my mom has done so much for me. She struggled to be both my mom and my dad for me. She has done so much."

"Its nice that you respect her so much. What's her name?"

"Y/N Y/L/N." His face seemed a bit surprised at the name.

"Y/N?.... You.. You are..." He was saying something when I heard a voice.

"Vanessa?" My mom called me.

"I'm here mom." I called back. Niall stood up. His face was full with bewilderment. This is creepy.

"Vanessa you.." My mom stopped dead in her tracks.

"What are you doing here?" She asked Niall.

"y/n.. I..."

"Do you guys know each other?" I asked.

"I'm your da--" Niall was interrupted by mom's angry voice.

"Don't you dare! You've ruined me. I won't let you ruin her. Don't you dare complete that sentence!"

"Mom? Niall? What's going on?"

"Get up. We are leaving." She grabbed my hand and started to walk when Niall called.

"Y/N. Wait. You know I love you. Nothing's left. Nothing. Without you, nothing's left. I'm a nothing without you."

"I'm not responsible for that."

"All these years I tried to find you. I tried to tell you that I was wrong. That I needed you more than anything in this world. That I truly love you."

"I loved you too Niall. I never expected you to leave me in that state. But you know what? Time changes Niall. It teaches you a lot of things. And I've learnt them better. I'm not going to let you break me again."

"But y/n.. I'm so so sorry. I'll do anything to get you and Vanessa back."

What? Me? Back? Wait a minute. Was he my... ?

"I'm your dad Vanessa. I was meant to love you and protect you. But I left your mom when she was pregnant. Ever since then, not a day goes by when I don't regret it. I'm a bad person. I know. But everyone deserves a second chance."

"For what??!!" Mom snapped. She was on the verge of breaking down.

"To redeem. I want to correct the mistakes I made. I want you both back in my life." He came close to mom as she started crying. I can't see her crying. It breaks my heart.

Suddenly Niall pulled her close to him in a hug.

"I love you y/n."

For a moment she didn't reply.

"I love you too Niall. But its late now." She freed herself from his grasp and turned to me.

"Vanessa.. You'll meet me again right? I'm not the kind of person you think. That song... Go search that song on the internet. Its named this town." Niall said.

My mom kept pulling me as I turned and kept looking at him. Why did he tell me to search that song? He was my dad. I couldn't I met my dad.

But what was the song mentioned for?

Next part???
~Niall's Queen.

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