"Stay away from her"

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Finally the day had arrived! You were going to meet your husband after a wait of months and months.

You were at the airport waiting for him and his best mates.

"Da-a... D-Dad-da..." Your little daughter was moving in your arms. It was becoming hard to hold her.

"Dracy. Stay still honey. Yes. Yes Daddy is gonna be here." You tell her trying to be calm.

"Daddyyyyyyyyy.....Dad-huh huh huhh..Da-a-add-d-d......" she started waving her hands.

"Are you having a problem beautiful?" A stranger asked coming close to you.

"No thanks." You just tried to ignore him.

"Are you sure? A sexy lady like you needs a help....ssssssss" his hissing irritated you. Scared you.

"I said no. Thankyou. Im waiting for my husband here."

"Damn girl.....come on! You are so hot. The kid can just sleep. We can have fun." He winked.

"I SAID NO. IM WAITING FOR MY HUSBAND HERE. GET LOST!" You screamed. Your eyes filing with tears.

You were wishing Harry would be here. But even if he was the fans wont let him go in time.

"Oh C'mon babe..." he pressed.

"Hey." I heard Niall.

"No one touches my wife. Nor speaks to her that way..." It was Harry. Oh my god! When did he come here? Thank god he did. Omg I love him so much.

"Dracy...come here to Uncle Niall." Niall called and Dracy literally jumped into his arms. "Good girl." He said kissing her.

"So...what were you saying? Fun?" Harry asked the stranger.

"Man I was just chilling..."

"Nobody Chills with my wife."

"Oh C'mon----"

Harry punched him in the face.

"Stay away from her." Harry hissed taking you away. He lightly kissed you on your cheeks.

And you three with the other boys returned home.....

Collected!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora