I Totally Ship It

Start from the beginning

"Will you teach me magic?"

"Sure thing Pine Tree" And there was a snap of a finger, which caused all the lights to go out.


"Come on Pine Tree!" Bill said, float racing with Dipper.

"No fair! You started first!" Dipper float as she was catching up. They raced until they reach the flower field again.

Bill's pov

Me and Pine Tree are racing,  until we reach the flower field.

"So Pine Tree, today, I'll train your magic" I said. "So I need to see what can you do"

"What do you mean?" Pine Tree asked me.

"I want you to show me all the magic you can do, each day you're getting stronger anyways" I said.

"Okay." She answered.

- Time skip - 

Pine Tree was a fast learner since she already had mastered the basics like levitating objects, floating, invisibility, healing, summoning object, simple spells...

I really don't want to admit, but she looks amazing when she was doing her magic as a breeze went by.

And before I know it, it was noon.

"Pine Tree! Come on! You and me need to eat!" I shouted at her, as she was playing in the flowers.

"Coming!" Pine Tree said as she got up and ran to me, I chuckled as I see flowers stuck to her hair.

"What are you laughing at?" She said crossing her arms.

"Look at your hair!" I said pointing, when she look, she seemed embarrass.

"Well look at your hair!" She shouted, which confused me, I turned my head in confusion and she pointed up.

I look up to see flowers, probably hundreds of them levitating on top of me, before I could react, a shower of flowers was given to me, and Pine Tree bursted into laughter. I was drowned in flowers and was crawling my way out, when I manage to get my head out, I gasped for air, because the pollen was too strong.

"Why you! You'll pay for what you did!" I joked, which cause me to laugh, and Pine Tree to laugh harder.

"Pine Tree! can you get this off of me? I can't see through the flowers!" I said after a few laughters.

"Only when I get to do your hair!" She said.

"Deal!" I shouted, then, I had escaped from the flowers. I laugh celebrating my escape, which was cut short by me getting a sneeze.

"Awwww Bill, I never thought you would sneeze so cute!" Pine Tree said.

"N-no I'm not" I blushed.

"Yes you are!"

"N-no!" "don't we need to eat?" I said changing the subject.

"Yeah, but I get to do your hair while you eat." She said.

"Fine." I snapped my finger and a plate of sandwiches appeared, Pine Tree took one, and so did I, then she started to 'do' my hair.

I blush while eating as Pine Tree was playing with my hair.

- Time skip -

"And DONE!" Pine Tree exclaimed.

"finally" I groaned stretching my limbs when cause a few cracking noise from my bones. I summoned a mirror and saw my hair was braided and flowers stuck in them. I then saw Pine Tree in the mirror behind me, which she is holding her phone. Oh no.

"Don't you DAR-" I said turning around but a snapshot interrupted my sentence.

"Haha, look at this picture of you Bill! You look so CUTE!" Pine Tree said as I blush, I was about to undo my hair when Pine Tree grabbed my hand.

"Don't undo it! I worked so hard on it, at least keep it until the end of the day." Pine Tree said as she pouted, which caused me to blush more.

"But-" I tried but Pine Tree made a cute face and I sighed in defeat, while my face was blushed yellow.


"Yay! Come on! It's time to go back!" Pine Tree cheered in triumph.

Dipper's pov

I cheered after Bill's defeat.

"Race you back, and no magic!" I said as I started to run.

"Hey! no fair!" Bill shouted behind me.

We were running for awhile laughing and joking, until I decided to take my eyes of my track and look at Bill, then...


I tripped over a root and sprained my ankle, which I landed in pain and scraped my knee. Bill stopped running and turned to me.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said trying to stand up, which I yelped as my ankle was filled with pain.

"You're not, you sprained your ankle and your knee is bleeding." He sighed. "Sit down."

I obeyed and sat back down, stretching out my legs, Bill was holding my ankle and foot.

"This might hurt, so stay still" He warned, just then



"It's okay now, but you might not be able to walk for a while" He said, then he crouched down and his back face me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Get on, you won't be able to walk" He said, which caused my to blush, I managed to got on Bill's back and he gave me a piggyback ride.

Bill was walking, and everything was pretty calm.


Both Bill and Dipper did not know, but they had been blushing as Bill was giving Dipper a piggyback ride.

Bill was blushing crazy as he reach the Mystery Shack.

"Hey Pine Tree, we're here" Bill said looking at Dipper, who was sleeping in his arm, Bill smiled and sighed.

"I love you Pine Tree" Bill whispered as he entered the shack.

"Oh Mi Gosh Bill!" Mabel shouted which was blocked by Bill's hand.

"Shhhhh She's sleeping" Bill whispered at her.

"What happened?"

"Well me and Pine Tree was running around in the woods until she trip and sprained her ankles, oh and scraped her knees" Bill said.

"I'll get the aid kit, nothing serious" Mabel said as she dashed out of the room.

Bill carried Dipper up to their room and laid her down on her bed.

"Bill?" Mabel asked.

"In here Shooting Star!" Bill whispered yell.

After cleaning Dipper's scrapped knee and bandage it up, Bill fell asleep next to Dipper as Mabel was taking picture of them.

"I totally ship it!" Mabel whispered to herself.

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