Chapter Twenty-three

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"They don't seem very attracted to each other. I do see him steal glances of her occasionally, but he seems more curious or... entertained than he does... passionate."

Karen laughs. "I thought a man would be more sensitive to the attraction someone has for his own daughter."

Dad bristles. I have to put effort into avoiding looking at Jareth. Dad appears to be considering Karen's words.

"I guess you're right. Perhaps I was just wishful thinking... but Sarah still shows no signs of being attracted to him, or noticing that he is attracted to her." His tone of voice clearly implies that he thinks he is wishful thinking again.

"Oh, don't be silly! There is a difference being oblivious to a man's affections and being comfortable with them. We don't stare at each other longingly or fidget with acute awareness like teenagers in the throes of puppy love."

"Is our daughter a gold digger?"

I hold in a laugh.

"What makes you say that?" Karen asks with horrified confusion.

"The man is obviously well off, and quite a bit older than her; it just seems like attraction to money is more likely than attraction to... him. I bet he is closer in age to me than her."

Yes, but only because he is older than both of us.

"Oh, honey, age is not the end-all-be-all." Her voice clearly indicates that she thinks Jareth is gorgeous enough to make up for his supposed thirty-five-year age. "If they are attracted to each other and can match wits, so to speak, they should be fine. The boys Sarah's age are just that: boys. I was not expecting her to come home with anyone less than five years her senior. She is too mature for that."

Dad sighs. "I suppose you're right." I can practically hear him think 'But sixteen years older?'

They rise from the couch. Oh, no! They are going to come in search of us now.

I look at Jareth in panic. My parents will not suspect I was eavesdropping specifically, but they will know I did something. I am terrible at hiding my guilt from them when caught unaware.

"It's okay, precious," Jareth coos as if he knows what I am thinking.

A single gloved finger lifts me by the chin. Jareth's gaze captivates me and my panic and guilt and everything but Jareth melt from my mind just as I am vaguely aware of my parents' presence nearby, but that does not matter anymore.

I look into eyes that have seen more than I can imagine. They are blue. Like the ocean. Like shadows in the snow. Like the sky. Like bluebells. Like sapphires. Like everything at once, every shade of blue shimmers in the depths of his eyes and I am entranced. There are pain and sorrow and questioning within their depths, but also longing and hope and affection, and a bit of his usual self-assurance that mixes with desire and manifests as possessiveness.

I feel my eyelids slipping closed and realize his gloved finger is guiding my face toward his, or, more accurately, my lips toward his lips. Despite the two lone points of contact—his finger on my chin and our lips lightly meeting—my whole body is aware of and screaming for him. Forgetting my environment, I lean into his kiss ever so slightly (which requires great control) and feel his finger leave my chin, the soft leather of his gloved hand cupping my cheek instead. The kiss is not needy or unrestrained, but it is passionate—a controlled, soft passion that leaves my body more submissive than any lip-bruising kiss could.

Jareth pulls away from me slowly, recapturing my gaze and searching my eyes—for what I do not know.


Suddenly reality reappears around us. My parents are watching. Oh, bog! How long have they been watching?—I swiftly replay my memories—since Jareth was holding my chin before we kissed, at the latest. Well, we put on quite a performance, didn't we? I feel the heat rising in my cheeks, but that is okay; what else would one expect of a daughter caught kissing a man in her parents' home (or on their porch)?

Dad is glaring at Jareth as if to say 'cradle robber.' Why did I not think to have Jareth alter his appearance to look younger? Karen is in a pose of glee, her eyes shining, her hands clasped and held against her chest, bouncing on her toes.

After that scene, I am subject to being pulled away by Karen once again to finish our private conversation. It is more awkward than I predicted. Shortly after I manage to free myself from Mom, Dad corners me and we have a private talk of our own. If I thought Karen's conversation was awkward, Dad's is infinitely worse, and intimidating. Somehow I survive, with the generous help of Jareth, who whisks me off after each conversation and makes me... forget about it. Other than the awkward parent-child conversations, and an attempt at a similar one by Robby, we enjoy polite conversation, games, and playing with the toddlers. I manage to avoid the topic of Jareth's supposed age, even with Dad, and I am able to brush off the concerns about his status as a foreigner. Jareth has a plan, apparently, and instructed me to act like I am unsure about our relationship status. I do not mind, since that is infinitely better than suddenly bringing home a man and saying "Surprise! We're getting married!" I really do not want to be my father's first murder victim (since I doubt he would succeed in killing Jareth).

It is evening now, and I need to go back to the flat, or more accurately, to the office so I can pick up the paperwork for moving out. They are closed tomorrow, Sunday, and I want to pick up the paperwork as soon as possible. Going to the office is also a good excuse to get out of here. I am exhausted after eight hours of... this.

"Jareth," I lean over and whisper, "the office closes at five," I increase my volume a little "if we don't leave soon we won't make it."

I talked just loud enough for Dad and Karen to hear, and they perk up. Jareth rises and offers me his hand.

Taking it, I say "Well, Dad, we need to get going."

"Oh? Where are you off to?" inquires Karen.

"Dinner," Jareth supplies. Well, it is not entirely a lie. I am sure we will eat dinner at some point tonight.

"Oh, how wonderful." Karen is in her happy pose again.

Dad extends his hand. "It was... good to meet you, Jareth."

We exchange parting words and hugs (from me) and handshakes (from Jareth) with everyone. I whisper assurance to Robby, admonish Toby to behave, and give the goblins a stern look where they are hiding in a corner. They were more themselves and less careful today, perhaps because of the presence of their King.

I heave a sigh as we get into my car. "Well, I'm not sure that that went well, but I'm glad it is over and donewith."

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