Chapter Ten

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I lose my way quickly in the winding passages and am grateful when Gelda stops before an ornately carved door. She gives a bow and gestures for me to let myself in before walking away and disappearing behind one of the ubiquitous corners.

Slowly, I lift the latch and lean against the heavy-looking door. It gives way easily beneath the pressure of my shoulder and swings open the rest of the way of its own accord. I cannot help but stare in awe at the expansive collection before my eyes. A memory flashes in my mind's eye of Disney's Beauty and the Beast when Belle is taken to the Beast's library. The scene is comparable, except this library is much larger, dustier, and duller in color. There are several ladders, stairs, and walkways allowing access to the books, and there are a few simple desks with chairs, settees, and one or two cushions on each deep stone windowsill.

Trying to quell my wonder at the room around me, I seat myself on a settee and curl my legs beside me, determined to think. Obviously touching the wished-away baby is crossed off the list of ideas. I was returned last time by reciting the words from The Labyrinth, so that is one idea, but I am not sure if it will have the same effect when I have not journeyed through the Labyrinth to say them. Jareth took me from my parents' room to the Labyrinth in order to journey through it in the first place, so perhaps he can return me similarly, but perhaps that is the power of the Labyrinth itself over wishers, as it did the same for Alice and me despite his absence. It seems unfathomable to me that he, who can turn the world upside down, is limited in his powers, though. He must be able to send me back.

There is always the possibility that there is a solution I am unaware of, of course. 'Take nothing for granted,' I remind myself.


The door opens inward and Gelda stands at the threshold, apparently reluctant to enter.

"How do I get home?"

She looks at me with obvious confusion.

"You are home, milady."

Of course. "How do I get back to my flat, or to my parents' house?"

She looks surprised and it takes her a moment to respond. "I do not know, Lady Sarah. I do not have the power to take you there, and as such, neither do the lesser goblins. I thought you were capable of doing so yourself, but perhaps you need to... learn. I am sure his highness is capable of teaching you, or sending you home himself if you wish to visit your family or friends."

As I suspected. "Where is Jareth, that I may make my request of him?"

She fidgets a little and replies. "I do not know, milady. I hear that as of late, his highness is more often away than at the castle. If I inquire of some of his more intelligent subjects, I may be able to obtain an accurate estimated time of arrival."

"Do that," I command, exasperated.

With nothing better to do, I go in search of a book written in English and at least somewhat interesting.


The sun has passed below the horizon, bathing the room in light now too dim to read by. Though the chandeliers, lanterns hanging from the sconces placed in intervals along the bookshelves, and the standing candelabra would cast more than enough light if lit, all of them remain dark. I am tired, which seems inexplicable if I slept away the remainder of yesterday and all night as well.

"Gelda," I whisper into the twilight, after returning the book to the shelf.

I hear the door open and tear my eyes away from the remaining beauty of the sunset through the window before me.

"I am rather tired. Is there a better place for me to sleep than a library settee?"

Her face contorts into confusion once again as I approach her.


I remain silent, expectant, as I stop in front of her. I do not want to have to explain what I think she is going to require me to explain.

"You woke up in your bed, remember? That is surely a more suitable place than the settee?" She considers me for a moment before hesitantly asking, "Do—do you wish to sleep elsewhere?" She whispers the final word as if it is scandalous.

I let out my irritation with a heavy breath. "Yes, Gelda, that is what I have been saying."

She fidgets and looks side to side, before leaning toward me and whispering in a confidential tone, "It is better to sleep in your own bed than cause rumor to spread, milady."

I twitch an eyebrow.

"It does not make things better to sleep separately when quarreling, anyway," she declares, sounding for all the world like the lady-in-waiting she is.

Her presumptuous speech was so matter-of-fact that I am almost tempted to give in. Almost.

"No, Gelda, I cannot take that risk. I know you do not understand, but trust me." I pause for a moment, thinking. "I will sleep here. We can make it look like I accidently fell asleep, that way both of us have our way."

"It is not my way, milady."

I roll my eyes. "I know; I know. You understand my meaning, so let's not mince words." I almost dismiss her, but then remember, "Did you hear anything concerning Jareth's arrival?"

Gelda shakes her head

"Well, since I am 'accidently' falling asleep, I have no further need of you tonight." I wave her away with a gesture.

Annoyed with myself for my unusual haughtiness as much as I am annoyed with Gelda for her ignorance, I half fall onto the settee. I decide that if I am going to playact, I might as well do it well. I get up and venture to the bookshelves and skim the titles, once again looking for something written in English and hopefully mildly entertaining. I am more self-conscious about what I choose this time, in case I am caught in the act of reading.

Finally making a selection, I return with it to the settee. Curious, I turn to the first page and strain in the dim light to read.


I wake to the sound of someone clearing his throat. Groggily I open my eyes. It is still dark outside, but flickering light indicates that someone has lit a candle. I sit up. My chosen book lies open on the floor as if it fell from my hands as I drifted to sleep. Whoever has invaded my sleep clears his throat again. I turned toward the noise, annoyed.

It is Jareth.

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