Chapter Eighteen

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I stretch languidly.

Since when am I languid? I wonder if the movement is also graceful... But I digress. Probably because I do not want to admit that I am stretching in Jareth's sleeping embrace. And that I am quite comfortable there.


Not really, but I wi—desire.

Today will be our first (and hopefully final) attempt at taking me to the human world. I still have not disclosed to Jareth how I plan to bow out of the human world, but I think that conversation, and the one about his clothes, are better left for later. Or maybe I am procrastinating.

"Good morning."

The low hum of Jareth's voice jolts me from my thoughts and I ignore the tingle it sends down my spine, and the brief thought that I will not mind if my plan gets out of hand.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Jareth!" I roll around in place to face my absurd bedfellow. "I—we are still in bed!" Oh, bog, I never thought I would say that.

Apparently, he has a similar thought. Why am I melting at his smile? I am supposed to put off any thoughts of plans to broach the topic. It is by far the most dangerous and the least needed right now.

Jumping out of his hold and off the bed, I say "Well, since you are so anxious to go, let us get ready." With attempted panache, I offer my hand though he needs no assistance in rising.

Bad idea.

Five minutes later I still have not convinced Jareth to let go of me. Men will be men boys, I guess, whether human or goblin, and no matter how old—fourteen or fourteen hundred (not that I know how old Jareth is, but considering the creatures of his realm, goblin or not, are immortal, he is certainly older than he looks—which has only seemed to be younger each day).

The twilight sun is strengthening. "We can sleep in a few hours when it is nighttime where I used to live. If we do not go soon, we will not have time to do anything." If my calculations are correct it is evening there.

Reluctantly—I least I think it is—Jareth releases me. I begin to make my way to the dressing room, a corner of which holds my clothes from my arrival and the few dresses Jareth managed to procure for me since my arrival.

I feel his smirk.

Magic lessons. Right.

I am rather bad at this. Summoning is difficult, but I can move things by something akin to telekinesis. No instant wardrobe changes like Jareth (yet), but I do not have to go to the dressing room. Closing my eyes, I call for my things—a black dress that is short-sleeved and knee-length (my favorite since I am finally able to expose skin as I want instead of covering myself more than sometimes needful for sake of suppressing my power), black gloves, and black slippers. Taking them in arm, and making sure Jareth has translocated himself elsewhere, I change my clothes and put up my hair with the assistance of my newly developed powers. Apparently, summoning and translocation are extensions of telekinesis, but I am not that talented yet.

When I exit to the sitting room, Jareth is already ready. His change of clothing includes the shirt I wore last night. I attempt to raise an eyebrow but say nothing. He leans next to the large fireplace, tapping his thin scepter (which I still think is a riding crop some goblin stole from the human world) against his leather boots in open impatience. There is a small breakfast set on the dining table. Ignoring Jareth's impatience, I pour myself some juice and drain the goblet. I grab a hunk of bread and slather butter on it and snatch an apple. With my mouth full of soft, warm, slightly sweet bread and too much butter, I mosey over to his highness. He looks down his nose at me. I smile widely and, I'm sure, unattractively, with food still in my mouth. The truth is I am rather nervous and I do not know how to deal with that. He tempers his impatience as I finish my breakfast. Only Jareth can stand aloof when he is three feet away.

"Are you ready?" Jareth offers me a gloved hand.

"As I'll ever be." I accept the proffered hand with my own gloved one. There is something surreal about that action.

Unexpectedly, Jareth begins taking my glove off. I tilt my head. Even before, in the human world, there was nothing dangerous about exposing my skin, but it was significantly easier to suppress the powers I wanted to deny having by covering myself, especially my hands. I do not know how I figured that out. Even though my presence in the Goblin Kingdom apparently enhances my control and abilities, I have still been wearing gloves here.

"Physical contact might be necessary. It will enhance my power over you."

I shudder at those words. Although I have gained a modicum of control over my power, I am unable to summon let alone translocate, let alone to the human world. Jareth has to take me there. We are working around the still-rogue part of my power, which is obeying my desire to stay in the Goblin Kingdom.

Jareth opens my hand and splays my fingers. I hold my hand in that position when he releases it, and he grabs me by the wrist. My eyes widen as he places my hand flat on his chest and medallion in the low cut of his shirt. The material of the pendant is unnaturally warm, unlike the metal which it appears to be made of. Still consumed by the sensation, Jareth pulls me close to him, my elbow bending so that I maintain my hand's position. I close my eyes as Jareth wraps his arms around me and bends down to whisper in my ear.

"Now, tell your surroundings 'goodbye' and that you will return soon."

Dismissing the apparent silliness of it, I say the words in my mind, trying to ignore the firmness of Jareth's hold.

"Out loud."

Eyes still closed, I say "Goodbye, everyone." Even the inanimate objects here are worthy of personification. "I will see you soon." I feel silly, no longer able to escape the embarrassment of it now that I have said it aloud.

"Now focus on me."

As if I could avoid that. I push aside all my worries. I stop my unsuccessful attempt at disregarding Jareth. I focus on the feel of the pendant on my palm, Jareth's earthy scent, the sound of his breathing, how his hair brushes my face, how strong his embrace is.

"Open your eyes, precious."

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