Chapter One

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Disclaimer: As this is a fan fiction, I do not own the characters, settings, and concepts borrowed from Labyrinth the movie or the novelization, or any other publicly recognizable content. Credit goes to the proper owners; I am just utilizing them to tell a tale.

A Note on the Setting: There is an inconsistency in the time frame of this work compared to the original release of Labyrinth. This story is set 3 ½ years after the events of Labyrinth, by Sarah's age, but is set in a vaguely modern world, rather than 1990.



I look up, startled, though I do not know why—I should be used to this by now. A blonde and rather peppy orthodontic assistant is standing at the top of the stairs, bouncing on her toes like an overexcited teenager. I breathe out a laugh through my nose to disguise my mirth and try to prevent the smile I feel twitching at the corners of my lips.

Doing my best to look annoyed, I roll my eyes. "What is it, Dee? Shouldn't you be working?" I feel my façade crack. Her happiness is rather contagious, even if I do not yet know what inspires it.

"When is your birthday!?"

My smile dims a little and I attempt to glare at her. This is not quite as funny. Who found out about my birthday? I have great coworkers, but they are a little overenthusiastic sometimes. Although I feel a great connection with them, my relationships with them do not extend far outside of work. I have not had too much backlash from that decision, since most of the staff are old enough to be my mother, or nearly so, and the orthodontist is off limits as my boss, even if he is single, handsome, and rather young. Dee is another matter entirely, though. She is in her mid- or late-twenties (I know better than to ask) and has one of those sisterly personalities; she tries to drown me in her affection. We are not close in age by the standards of children and young adults, but she feels more connection to me, it seems, than our older coworkers. And she thinks she can talk about how hot she thinks our boss is in front of me. Awkward, but funny.

"Next week," I begrudge her.

"The day! The day!" she coaxes.

I sigh. "Monday, but it doesn't matter. Doctor Wheeley is forcing me to take two weeks off in celebration of graduation and my birthday. I could barely convince him to let me finish the week."

"Graduation? When did you graduate?"

I look at her, surprised. I thought everyone knew. "I finished my courses Tuesday—that is why I have been working full days since—and all the paperwork is completed and submitted, so I am just awaiting my physical proof. The ceremony is Saturday, but I am not attending." I said more than I intended, but Dee has that effect on me, her being the elder sister type and all.

"Oh," she replies. "Why not?"

"I don't want to," I reply simply.

"Well, tomorrow's your last day before vacay then, right? How about we throw you a little party at lunch?"

I stare at her. If I thought I could get out of the traditional birthday party, I was wrong. I laugh inwardly, picturing the bunch of motherly coworkers fussing over my nonexistent love life, Dee bouncing around with a cake and (most likely odd) presents, and subjecting the doctor to, and making him pay for, all that. 'Same ol', same ol',' I muse.

"We have long lunches Fridays anyway, so we'll just have it then!"

Dee does not wait for a reply. She turns in place and rushes down the stairs. I shake my head for no one's benefit but my own and look at the clock. I have only a few more minutes before my lunch ends and theirs begins. I do not always prefer to eat lunch alone, but the staff's lunchtime, when there are no patients to add to the mess I must clean, is a great time to catch up with my duties as sterilization technician.

In the Eyes of the Queen [ Labyrinth ] ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt