I bite my lip, "yeah . . . I need clothes."

Max lightly shakes his head, "I'll get you some." I stand there motionless, surprised at his not fully careless response.

"Thanks," I manage to utter as Max walks out, closing the door behind him.

I finish blowdrying and combing through my hair. Then start re-applying a sheer coat of black mascara onto my bare eyelashes.

I hear someone turn the doorknob, as Max's head slides around the corner.

"Here," he says, throwing a pair of his grey sweats and a navy blue shirt in my direction.

"Thanks," I smile, closing the door in his face and changing into the over-sized clothes laying in front of me.

♡ ♡ ♡

I slowly tiptoe downstairs, iPhone in hand. It was quiet.. quieter than usual.

I peek my head around the corner, quickly noticing Danny, Jordan, and Max all in front of computers, speaking into headphones. They're recording.

Jordan turns to me, his eyes laying upon mine. He elbows Danny, signaling I was standing motionless watching them.

Danny quickly mutters something thing into the mic, and takes his headphones off.

"Camille, you can go watch tv or something; we should be done in less than an hour," Danny says.

I nod, backing myself into the couch and flicking the television on.

After about half an hour, Max's bored expression fades, his voice suddenly calling my name.

"Camille," he whispers, his headphones still in, "wanna make me a sandwich?"

I shake my head, as Danny disapprovingly gives him a death glare, moving on with the video they were recording.

But that didn't stop him.

"Please," Max pleads, ignoring Danny's pointless bickering from behind him.

"No," I mouth, attempting to not disturb the video.

He groans, "I'm starving . . . what about that sandwich now . . . please . . . I'm waiting. . ."

I sigh, finally giving in, "fine Max, you're so damn annoying."

"Oh and Camille--" Max starts, getting cut off my Danny's besmirching remark.

"Max shut up, you're ruining the video," he snapped.

But Jordan and I just burst out laughing, as I stood up to make a sandwich for both of us.

I falter into the kitchen, roaming the fridge for ingredients. I deliberately picked out bread, lettuce, ham, cheese, and a bottle of hot sauce to make up for Max's irritating responses from earlier.

I carefully put my sandwich together, setting it on the far counter in front of me. I pick up the bottle of hot sauce, spilling half of it in the sandwich I was making for Max.

I place the bread atop the 'hot' sandwich, allowing the flavor to sink into it.

I make my way back to the boys, placing Max's sandwich on his desk.

Ahem?" I bicker, my eyebrows rising.

"Thanks," Max speaks under his breath, to the point where you couldn't even hear him.

I roll my eyes, waiting for him to take a bite of the lethal sandwich.

Danny faces Max, silently trying to get him to focus on the video they were taping.

Max disregards him, taking a bite into the sandwich.

"Holy shit," Max shrieks, throwing his headset to the ground.

"Shut the fuck up," Danny yells in return, pausing the recording.

But Danny's rage instantly lightens, as we all laugh at Max running to the sink screaming. He stops and turns the faucet on, choking down a gallon of water.

"Did you put hot sauce in my sandwich?" Max exclaims, flipping the faucet off and wiping his face.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," I reply, smiling.

Max shakes his head, "that was good, but I hate you."

"Love you too, Max." I make my voice sound higher, shooting a wink in his direction.

"--are you two love birds done flirting so we can continue this video or what?" Jordan cuts in.

Max and I just ignore him as I go back to my show and Max goes back to the computer screen.

All My Doubts; Minecraftfinest (MCfinest) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now