CH5: Las Vegas

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My phone silently vibrates, causing a groan to escape my mouth. My eyes flutter open, scanning the clock on the bedside table.

Without noticing, I tighten the grasp on the phone in my hand, peering at Mitch's new text:

Be over in 15, get ready.

While mourning, I throw the covers off my helpless body, standing up and dropping my phone on the unmade bed beneath me.

After showering, I scavenge my closet for something comfortable to wear; the drive to Las Vegas was going to be hell.

I change into a pair of black leggings, a white flowy tee, and a military green jacket; making sure to check my appearance at least ten times in the mirror.

I hop downstairs, bringing my suitcase with me, right as the doorbell rings.

I open the door to see Jerome telling me to bring everything and come into the van.

Usually, this is when you're supposed to scream and run away, but I kinda wanted the candy . . . ???

As I haul my body outside, I notice that the car was really a tall-limo-like-van.

I give Jerome my suitcase, knowing he would throw it into the trunk for me.

I walk over to the car and after pulling on the handle hopelessly, I finally budge it open and hop in. I roam the open space, noticing many of the guys from yesterday and mcfinest.

The drive is about 4 hours long from LA and I had no idea where to sit.

Before I took a seat beside Danny, I descry Mitch staring up at me and patting the seat alongside him.

I smile, walking over to him and sliding into the seat.

Before speaking, I scan the van once more, my eyes landing on an unamused Max. What's up with him today?

I just brush my thought away, tuning in to what Mitch was speaking about.

♡ ♡ ♡

I'm awoken to a loud chatter of conversation surrounding me. Did I really fall asleep?

I quickly notice my head has been resting on Mitch's shoulder, who was now staring down at me in amusement.

I look up at him, just staring into his eyes for a good 10 seconds, shit I gotta get ahold of myself.

After noting that my body was still leaning all of my weight onto Mitch, I shifted my position upwards.

"Had a nice nap, eh?" Mitch utters.

"Oh yeah I guess--thanks by the way," I reply, holding back a yawn.

"For what?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"For letting me nap on your shoulder," I laugh faintly.

"It's all good," Mitch answers, turning to the window as if he saw something.

I imitate his action, peering out the window and noticing the dazzling lights surrounding us.

We arrived in Las Vegas.

Before long, the van stopped in front of a hotel and everyone slowly got their luggage, starting to walk into the building.

"Which hotel are we staying in?" I ask, trying to make out the words written up above.

"The Palms," Adam states, leading the way in.

I loved Las Vegas already, it was gorgeous--the lights, dancers, hotels, everything was stunning.

Though, staying with these guys for almost a week was completely different. Could I even do it? I barely even knew some of them.

I slow down, trying to count how many of us there were--eight. There's eight of us: Me, Mitch, Jerome, Adam, Jason, Danny, Jordan, and Max.

"So we're getting four rooms; two people in each?" I ask Adam, following them into the elevator.

"Yeah, we'll pick pairs later," he answers, pressing the button to the 7th floor.

I look over to Max, who seems to already be staring at me. He quickly looks away after I catch him. I'm confused?

Why was he--oh well, I don't need to be overthinking every little thing right now; I mean, after all I was in Vegas. Plus, our hotel was absolutely stunning.

It looked really classy from the outside, and as we walked in, I noticed how gorgeous it really was; dim lights, paintings, statues, wood carvings, and much more. I was especially in love with the colors--mostly silver and burgundy.

We finally reached the 7th floor, where all four rooms sat right next to each other.

"So who wants to go with who?" Adam asks everyone, conflicts already arising.

I watch the boys scurry each other--Jordan and Danny, Adam and Jason, It looks like Jerome and Mitch are pairing up too.

Mitch looks over to me, sighing in despair, "I'll go with Camille."

"Mitch?" Jerome pauses, "I thought we were?"

"It's okay," I start, "Mitch you can go with Jerome."

"No, no that's not okay, I want to go with you." He responds, watching my face express a great deal of confusion.

Why was he doing this? I know he would much rather go with Jerome.

"Okay that's fine guys, just pick rooms." Adam says, attempting to break up the conflict.

Once everyone else was struggling to limp into their rooms, I held Mitch back out into the hallway for a moment.

I pull a strand of my hair out of my face, "Mitch why did you want to go with me?"

"Camille, just drop it okay," he answers, putting the card into the key slot.

"No not until you tell me why." I answer back frustratedly.

Mitch notices and slowly replies, "I didn't want you not having anyone to be with and getting stuck with one of the guys who you didn't know too well, okay?"

I just stand there, staring at him for a second.

"Okay," I mumble, following Mitch into the room.

Once we stammer into the small hotel room, I notice that there was only one queen bed.

Mitch groans, quickly stopping the bound to happen argument, "I'll sleep on the sofa, problem solved."

"Mitch no, you can't," I sigh, observing the intrinsic details spread out over the area.

"It's fine, I'm used to it," he replies, already setting his suitcase down.

I don't reply, he was being sweet and I shouldn't say anything to ruin it.

I take a deep breath, already unpacking my suitcase and setting everything down.

This was going to be a long trip.

All My Doubts; Minecraftfinest (MCfinest) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now