― Monsters Want : 4

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The longest period of lovers being together can be said in the popular, never out of date phrase of "till death do us part" which literally means they will stay together until one of them, or both of them moves on to the afterlife.

Death may part them spiritually, but having the living partner still breathing; feeling the emotional connection that's never buried together, will try to extend that period. "You can't bring anyone back from the dead." That was what his family and friends said to him. Like, everyone would have said the same. But he still insisted on it.

Even if it was only being physically together, he gained satisfaction from it. Her soul might be wandering around but he could still stare at her pretty face. But he can't just keep her corpse on the bed of his guest room, nor can he say that he owns her body to have it in his house.

Having the ever growing yearning of wanting her to be in his embrace, he came up with that idea. An idea that only a delusional man who doesn't believe in moving on, would do. But what could others do, except to continue being ignorant about it. He might be stupid to not let her body stay a few feet under the ground and her soul to rest, but he wasn't stupid to show that he was indeed, 'okay'.

He fell straight to sleep on the couch after the usual daily weekday routine of going to work and trying to survive the day. Not to mention to hide his bleeding heart that craves her presence. Shifting his posture, he woke up. Taking his phone to look up the time, he squint his eyes a few moments before reading the time.

It's midnight.

Stretching himself while still in bed, he pushed his body away from the bed to sit at the edge of the bed. Lightly massaging his neck, he stood up to take his sweater. Slipping into the sweater, he began to walk out of his room. Taking the keys from the coffee table and crouching down to carry his heavy duffle bag, he headed out in the middle of the night.

Just the usual routine of the month, on the third Friday night.

All the way towards his destination, he could see drunken people walking back to their houses. Wobbly dancing to the echo of the voices in their mind, feeling intoxicated by the alcohol flowing in their system. He only gave them a short glance because he was sure he'll never choose that path to rid him of his attachment to her.

Arriving in front of her grave, he let go of the duffle bag. Letting out a series of sighs, he admired how her headstone shined under the dim moonlight.

"Don't worry love. We'll be reunited again."

Taking out the shovel that was in the bag, it was filled with dirt. Evident that he had been to her grave to dig her up for a number of times. Holding on the shovel tightly, he began to dig her up.

His arms were sore the first time he did such, but having this become his routine for months, he didn't really minded his muscles burning with the pressure he placed upon himself.

After the long hour of digging and the cold winds giving him a tingling sensation as it made the hot sweat of his turn to a large patch of thin ice on his skin, her coffin came into sight. Pushing away the leftover pile of soil to the side, he slowly opened her coffin.

Revealing his lover whose face was cold, blueish and lifeless. Well, lifeless isn't really a way to put it seeing that she's already dead for good. Holding onto her, he brought her out of the ground by stepping on the temporary ladder he made from pushing in a few long pieces wood into the hole where she was buried, in between digging furiously to 'rescue' her.

Being out of breath, he hugged her dead body tightly as he slowly waited for his breathing to reset back to normal. He laid her down with her head on his lap. He started to caress the top of her head, running his fingers in her dry hair. Making random shapes across her face, he was in a state of paralyze. Admiring the dead beauty that's in front of him.

It would be a lie if he didn't wish for her to wake up and tell him that she's still with him. But this isn't some spin-off of Tim Burton's Corpse Bride or anything near that. Death is the final stage for everyone. It is a hard pill to swallow if it's the death of your loved one, but he never placed it in his mouth in the first place.

Singing a lullaby for her, in the thoughts she'll continue having the most pleasant nap ever. He was reminded on how she will hum along with to the melody of the song he sings. He was never really the singer but she made him feel that he can express himself in the form of spoken melody other than physically showing it off with his body.

"You're so beautiful, my love. No matter how faded this white dress of yours, it seems to me like you're wearing your wedding dress for our big day."

"Oh, how about we hold the wedding here? Right now!"

"Oh yeah. We tried that. The pastor fled away the moment he saw you. It was a big problem to make him shut up about it. But the town never cared about him anyways. He was just good for weddings, except ours that is. He's just jealous you're going to marry me."

He lay down beside the body, showering a lot of attention to her features. His cold hands clasped hers. The coldness of her hand was on a level different to his. It was expected from a body that doesn't have any warm blood moving in towards every single part of the body.

Lessening the distance he had between them, he closed his eyes slowly as his lips began to touch hers. His plum lips against her dried wrinkled lips, it was as if two different elements collided to create something new. But the sensation was only felt by him alone.

"Hey you there! What the fuck are you doing?"

He snapped at the shouting voice that directed the question at him. Which also, caused him to be annoyed as the person had interrupted his time of intimacy with his girl.

"Why do you care? I'm just spending time with my girlfriend. Now, please be off and not climb into someone's business." He shooed the person with the look of disgust.

"Holy lord. You dug up a body? Oh my god, I gotta call the cops." The man stumbles back as he finally saw what was actually happening. His legs were close to giving up on him, making it hard for him to stand up. Finally steadying himself, he quickly took out his phone.

Struggling to run away and call 911, his steps were followed right behind. Pulling along the shovel that had seen a lot of mortalities, his actions were as if he was threatening the man to make the call. Placing the shovel over his shoulder, he made it seem that he would swing it to hit the man. The man dropped his phone to the ground and the screen shown that he was only a call button away from revealing the months of disappearances and the weird case of a particular grave to be seen with new carpet grass over it every third weekend of the month.

"Why must you be one of those people to annoyingly poke your nose into other people's business? If only you were the people that gave me room to be with my lover. But sadly, you're just like the rest."

"The rest? Dude, the only rest in context is her being at rest. You're crazy bro. Let her go and move on to the afterlife without you clinging onto her body. Her spirit is no longer there. It's just a body waiting to decay."

"You shouldn't have dared said she's just another body. She is special." He held his hair tightly with one hand, while the other clutching hard to the shovel.

"You made a mistake. You're wrong." He shouted as he quickly swung the shovel towards the man's neck. Falling to the ground with burst arteries, he died as he lost a large amount of blood.

Heavily breathing from the rage, he began to slowly drag the man's body along. Not forgetting to hold the shovel under his pits, he brought the body further back the cemetery and into the edge of the forest. Retracing through the bushes and trees, he found the place where he had dumped the bodies of people who were wrong about him and his 'affection' towards him. Digging back up the hole, it didn't take him long seeing how it rained in the evening, making it easy to push the shovel into the ground. It was just a matter of lifting the heavy soil.

Pushing the body to be together with the few other bodies, including the pastor, he covered it back up before heading back to his girl. To continue where 'they' had left off.

Falling down next to her, he hugged her tightly. The rage of a mad mental man suddenly turned to a vulnerable man, somehow similar to an innocent newborn puppy.

"No one's going to stop Jongin from being with his lover, right love?"

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