― Monsters Near : 1

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The white walls that he kept on seeing day by day would probably be the reason to his change but no one knew for sure. He was a charming lad, filled with life and quite a chatterbox he was. And it was clear in his eyes that he loved his job so much.

But as the years passed, he began to change. It wasn't a drastic change. It was however slow, a very slow process of changing. Too slow that no one noticed that the lively, cheery lad was bound to turn into someone — inhumane.

It's a given that one who's in this line of work to be someone who's easy-going to everyone. It would be a lie to say that he never gave out a sincere smile to every single patient that he had served.

Some say, no one can be the same forever. Changes happen over time. So, he changed. But he didn't change for the better.

At first, it started just as minor mistakes. Writing down the wrong amount of pills one should take per day. That mistake went on for weeks, no one noticed. Because no one really bothered. No one questioned the knowledge of the medicine that the young doctor knew.

Not until one day, in the emergency room. Someone came, with a body so weak, soulless and dying. The spouse managed to grab his medication and it showed that he's in that state because of an overdose.

Looking back at the patient's medical records, it showed that the doctor made a grave mistake. A dangerous mistake that would resulted in the death of a patient who only suffered a typical seasonal disease.

He walked out of his office after being pounded with words, pushing him to go out and take a look at the deadly aftermath of his silly mistake. Seeing that he's probably having personal problems, they forced him to take a week off. To reflect on himself and to rest his mind, so he could come back with a mind that's wide awake and not prone to make mistakes.

"You're one of the best doctors here. And you've been giving exceptional care to all your patients but we can't afford to see you make any more mistakes. I'm giving you the week to rest. It seems that you're too distracted do focus. Like how are you going to care for others when you're sick yourself."

Sick, I am sick. You can't see that I'm that kind of sick right boss?

The week off did work, seeing that he never did anymore mistake. And even if he did, they already made sure to double check the reports he wrote. Seeing that he was back on track with his work, they cut off the supervising.

But what they didn't know was he had always been aware of the "mistakes" he made. For them yes, it was a mistake. And for him, it was just a fun decision, a fun experiment. Just to see how long it would be before people realized that he's trying to create chaos.

As that week passed, and the number of months growing, everyone eventually forgot about the incident. Seeing how his "sin" was forgiven and forgotten, he thought he'll take it up a notch.

That day, the young lady came in for her usual medical appointment. For her it felt as if it was just another appointment, the usual check-ups. And by afternoon, she gotten her new batch of medicine and headed back home with no idea what he had planned for her.

After making obvious changes on her report, she didn't even notice that he wrote down a whole different set of medicine for her. Just like any other patient, she never actually cared for all she knows, it's just a check-up, paying for the bills, bringing back the medicine home, eating them and staying in her normal medical state.

Maybe he should have shown her signs, but then again why would he? He wanted everything to fall into place just like how he imagined it. Wait, nope. Not imagined, it's just like how he predicted it, how he sees it happening.

It's been a few days after he prescribed her the medicine and he's been constantly looking at the clock on the wall. Seeing it tick slowly, second by second, his patience was being tested to the highest limit.

He couldn't wait any longer, he wanted it to happen. And he wanted it now. But the thoughts came to a halt when he heard a knock on his door. It creaked open and revealed a young boy. He was smiling widely, unlike other kids who would be coming into my room crying, scared if they might get injected.

Cheerfully and even giggling a bit, the boy quickly sat on the destined patient seat. Settling comfortably in the chair, the boy looked straight into his eyes. And seconds afterwards the boy gave him a wide smile.

He was taken aback by the boy's actions but he slowly returned the smile. Seeing how happy the boy was, his mind began to think up of something to add to his plan. The thought of the addition of the young, cheerful, clueless boy just made him flip in excitement.

"Wow, looks like someone's excited to see the doctor." He said to the boy, in his normal tone.

"I wanted to grow up to be a doctor, dear doctor. That's why I'm excited. I want to help people!" The boy replied with his voice very evident with joy.

"Alright then little one, how about I show you what to do when you become a doctor?"

"Ohh, it's a plan!"

"Okay little one, but we need to be somewhere else first."

He stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. And the boy followed close behind his steps. Walking through the different corridors of the hospital and the trip down the stairs, the boy just tagged along with excitement. Feeling jolly that he'll get a chance to see how it feels be in the environment of his dream job. The doctor himself was feeling joy too. But not in the same context of joy as the boy had.

It was a sinister type of joy.

Arriving at the place he wanted to be since that day, he pushed open the door and entered with a huge feeling of relief. Inhaling the air, he loved the feeling of being surrounded by all the cold dead bodies.

"So we're in the morgue right?" The voice of awe from the boy made him turn towards the boy and he nodded with a wide grin.

"How about you pick one body, and we'll examine it together." He said and in a split second the boy pointed towards the body on his left.

The two went there to the already sewed up body. Pulling the thread slowly, the boy looked at him in amazement and he only smiled seeing the boy's expression. As the thread was fully taken out, he flipped the skin and flesh to the side revealing all the internal organs.

Just when he was about to tell the boy about the organs, a woman pushed through the door being so out of breathe from running.

"What are you doing with my son?!" She shouted but as soon as that she fell on the floor, unconscious.

"Doc, what happened to my mum?" The boy asked as he looked at his mother lying down on the floor, lifeless.

"She wasn't conscious enough. She took the wrong meds, probably that's the reason why. And now that is what I'll teach you. To experiment on people, even if they're your own family. See that body there?"

"That's my dad." He said with a wide smirk.

"You're scaring me doc." The boy said in a trembling voice as he tried to get away. But his wrists were in the doctor's hand, preventing the boy from running away.

"Just call me Baek hyung, dear little one. Because I'm the only family you'll ever need. And have." He said as he looked into the boy's eyes and laughed maniacally.

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