― Monsters Near : 4

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After the long tiring day she had, having to rush all over the place and the very ruined make up that she had worked on all morning, she let out a sigh of relief the moment her body touched her bed.

She didn't bother to take a shower to freshen herself up, she just snuggled into her duvet and drove into the world of dreams. It was too early for her to be sleeping, plus she still had to work on a few other things.

But she forced herself to sleep despite knowing she'll be having problems sleeping. At first, she thought it's because she had to readapt to her bed seeing that she spent a month at her cousins during her break.

As the months passed, she still had problems sleeping. She would suddenly be awakened in the middle of the night, but she wasn't woken up by any kind of sound or noises. And it she's lucky enough, she'll get dreams that would force her to not wake up.

She told about her problem to her grandma and she advised her to wash her feet before she sleeps. Her grandma also told her to forgive everyone if they had done any wrongdoings towards her.

Being the obedient grandchild that she is, she followed her grandma's instructions but it didn't even work. It was still the same. Rethinking back on it, it could be caused by stress but even her medical records didn't show that she was facing stress.

And like any other night, she woke up in the middle of the night. The darkness bid her hello as she opened her eyes. Pushing her duvet away, she pushed her back away from the bed to sit with legs crossed on her bed.

Taking her almost dying phone, it showed that it was only half past twelve. The usual time for her to be forced to wake up. Turning her head towards the wide sliding door of her bedroom, the moonlight was too dim to light up her whole bedroom.

Letting herself to fall back into bed, she looked straight to her ceiling and started to do the typical exercise to help one fall asleep, counting sleep.

It was working and soon enough, she fell back asleep. So soundly asleep, she began to dream. She dreamt of being in the streets, very late in the evening, wearing very thin clothes when the weather was chilling her to the bone.

Practically all the shops were closed but from her vision, she could clearly see a shop still open from the obviously bright lights. Rushing to the shop, she realized she didn't even have shoes, let alone socks to protect her sensitive feet from the freezing coldness.

Pushing the door with all her strength, she was welcomed by warmness and it made her close her eyes. Trying to embrace the warmth. But as soon as she opened her eyes, she was greeted with a dozen of people looking at her, way too oddly.

Goosebumps began building because they weren't ordinary people. And of course she was scared. She was being stared at by a room full of glowing people. And then there's her, not glowing even the slightest.

Getting the feeling she would be turned into stew by them for being different, she turned around to run away. Despite the coldness seeping through her flesh, she didn't care. All she wanted was to run away because she just got the creeps.

In the middle on running, she suddenly woke up unlike other nights, where she won't be woken up until the last few seconds of her dying in her dreams. Being so out of breath despite only running in her dreams and not even using an ounce of her actual energy, she sat at the edge of her bed.

As her breath slowing came back to normal, she remembered the reason to why she woke up. It was because of the voice she heard.

Don't you think it's finally time?

Her mind kept on replaying the voice that she heard. Trying hard to decipher what the voice meant made her head ache. Shaking her head furiously, she laid back down on bed. But the silence made her hear the voice again.

She wanted to stop it but the harder she tried, the voice started to sound more and more real. Quickly grabbing her duvet, she covered herself under it.

"Don't be such a child, hiding under a blanket won't make any difference. I can still see you, I still sense you're there, awake."

A voice said and it didn't take her long to come to a conclusion it was the same voice she heard in her dream. She didn't move an inch, nor did she come out from under to duvet.

"Just get out of the blanket, it isn't even a bit cold. And why don't want to fall back asleep being so sweaty. Well, not that you can fall back asleep anyways."

Gathering all the scattered confidence of hers, she slowly peeped out of her duvet. But she didn't see anything. It's still the same rooms of hers.

But suddenly a figure merged out from under her bed.

"Hi there." It said making her scream and hid back under her duvet.

"Aww, she's scared. But I only wanted to show you my face. Come on, it took me a long time to heal the scars on my face just to make sure you won't be scared of my face." The voice said with an obvious fake sad tone.

"No, who are you. Wait, you're not even a person. What are you? Omg, why are you even here. I never did anything. Go away." She asked still very shaken up to reveal her face and ultimately look at the face she's expected to see.

"You better get yourself of your blanket before I do it for you. Even if I'm not a person that you're claiming I am, you can't just register me like an animal." As soon as the voice finished talking, she felt a pressure at her feet.

Quickly revealing her face, she was greeted with his face being so close to hers.

"Boo." He said making her crawl to the end of her bed and hitting her back hard to the wall.

"Sorry love. That's just my hello since you didn't reply to me the first time." He said as he sat at the edge of her bed. Being too scared, confused and just filled with so much fear, she could only look at him.

"Who... are you?" She finally asked him but in a very low tone and as if she was mumbling it to herself.

"Me? Well. Why couldn't you make sense out it yet?" He replied and pouted towards her.

"Since you got back from your long stay at your cousins, didn't you even question why the floor under your bed was free from dust? Plus all this time, the strands of your hair would always disappear if it was under the bed. Didn't you question it?" He pulled his legs up and sat with legs crossed right in front of her.

"Oh yeah, you though your mum cleaned it for you. But sadly, she didn't. Because the one who did all the work was me. Like, I needed to keep it clean or else how could I possible live in a dirty and dusty place?" He asked again while tapping her nose each time she blinked.

"Who are you? What do you want?" In a trembling voice, she replied his questions with questions of her own.

"I just wanted to be close to you. To be near to you. But the only place I could live is under the bed. It's pathetic but it'll do." He shrugged his shoulders and afterwards he laid down on her bed.

"This is so comfortable. I wonder why you can't sleep soundly at night. Oh yeah, I didn't let you. Because it gets so lonely at night. And I love seeing your face whenever you wake up suddenly." He said moving his head from the pillow to her lap.

"I guess I'll let you sleep for tonight. Because you'll be companying me the whole night tomorrow." He pulled himself from her lap to only place his face her to hers.

Breathing into her ear, he then slightly bit her jaw.

Moving further from her, his scarless faced turned into a face with cracks here and there. Blood running down from his forehead and dried up blood could be seen covering almost all his face.

He then slowly disappears into under the bed. She quickly went back under her duvet and tried her best to quite shivering. But she only trembled more when his voice echoed in her mind.

"Sleep tight. Remember Sehun would be back tomorrow."

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