― Monsters Near : 2

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She slept soundly as the sound of raindrops fell on the roof. Even with the chilliness of the air wafting around her room, it made it more comfortable to sleep while mummifying herself in the thick duvet of hers.

As she was deep into her sleep, close to entering the world of dreams, she was abruptly awakened by screeching sounds and a voice that sounded too alien to here. She felt so scared and goosebumps began to grow all over her body but she forced herself to get out of bed.

Walking towards her bedroom door, she pushed the handle down and the dark hallway welcomed her. The flash of lighting made her jump a bit but composing herself back by taking in a few deep breathes.

Focusing on the noises she heard, she tried to locate where it came from. Despite having the rain suddenly coming down to hard making it difficult to hear the noises against the loud sound of raindrops on their roof, she managed to listen to it.

Walking towards the source, her feet brought her to her brother's room. The screams suddenly became so loud as if it was amplified a hundred times louder. She wanted to run back to her room, but that was what her brain wanted her to do.

But her instincts were telling something different. Even though being the small 10 year old that she is, she knew that there was something that her parents were hiding from her. A secret regarding her brother.

She still have the very fond memories of them both clear in her mind. But ever since she was sent to that summer camp, coming back home was never the same ever again. Her loving brother never came out of his room.

Every time she asked her parents when her brother dear would come out to join them for dinner, they replied that he had eaten earlier. When she obliviously knew that her mum just finished cooking and the sound of broken glassware coming from her brother's room.

Taking in a deep breath, she pushed the handle of the door that's separating her from her brother all this time. Pushing the door open, she entered and seeing that the door was heavy unlike hers, it closed shut as soon as she let her hand away from supporting the door open.

The room was dark but a flash of lighting gave her a second of sight and she saw a body touching the wall, mumbling words she couldn't make out any sense from it.

"Why are you still awake? I thought you loved it when it's raining. It's way more comfortable to sleep with those dozen of pillows of yours when it's in this kind of weather."

He turned around and his dying facial expression suddenly lit up. Scattering to reach her but stumbling because of the piles of clothes, he sat down in front of her with legs crossed.

"I thought this day will never come." He said with a heavy sigh of relief.

"What do you mean?" She asked looking straight into her brother's eyes. Those were the same pair of eyes that she used to see every day. But she noticed that something was missing from his gaze.


"Oh nothing. I was just thinking of something else just now. Baby sis, it's been so long since I last saw you. How are you? Wait omg. I can't let you sit down here in this junk. Wait a second okay?"

He got up and cleared up his bed. She just stood there looking at his actions. He was still the same caring brother but there's something that's bothering her. He's somewhat different but she couldn't put it out into words.

So into her thoughts, she didn't realize that he was gesturing her to sit on the now clean bed. Snapping out of her thoughts when his face filled her vision, she made her way to the bed and sat on it.

"Thank you."

"What's bothering you baby sis?"

You. You're bothering me.

"I just couldn't sleep. I heard voices."

"Oh that." He replied as he moved his gaze away from her. Tying to avoid from her looking into his eyes and realize what's happening.

"That what?" She asked making him feel a slight of discomfort. Turning her head to look to her brother, wanting answers. But he only pushed her away. Screaming.

"Can you not ask me questions? God, you're so annoying." He glared at her as he began to felt rage growing inside of him. As he let out another scream, another flash of lighting shot out making her saw what she didn't see earlier.

One of the walls of the room, filled with pictures of her. Baby pictures, the kindergarden graduation ones and the selfies of both of them. But what made her shocked were pictures that she never saw before.

The kind that showed that someone was stalking her. No, it wasn't just someone. It was her one and only brother. And what made her feel so creeped out was that the pictures were covered in blood.

"Why..." She spoke in a very low tone but it was still heard by him. His anger suddenly turned into affection.

"Did I scare you baby sis?" He bent down and looked at the little girl that he loved so much who was shivering. Not because of the coldness, but because of the monster standing in front of her.

"Yes. I am scared. You're a psychopath. Why are you still here? Why aren't you taking any medicine. You can get better you know?" She said trying to sound brave but he clearly heard the tint of fear in her voice.

"You're here you. You're my medicine." He let out a loud chuckle and turned to face the wide window that showed the heavily falling rain.

"You're not my brother. You're not him. You can't be." She said to herself, wanting this nightmare to end but she couldn't seem to wake up from it. Oh, of course she couldn't. She isn't even sleeping to even start.

"I felt so empty when you left for the camp. I tried to follow you. But they found me. They locked me in here. All I could do is to see your beautiful face from these photos." He dropped into the bed and played with the ends of her hair.

"But the heavens finally hear my prayers. You came to me, unlike what they said. You'll never be with me. But look what's in front of my very own eyes. The girl I've always wanted!" He cheered as he pulled her down into a hug.

She tried to pull out but she can never compare her strength to his. Moving one hand away but still hugging her using only one hand since she was small, he showed her the back of his palm.

Baby sis and big bro,

always together.

That was what his bloody scar read out.

"It hurt a lot, that's why I accidentally got blood on your photos. I'm sorry I got blood on those pretty pictures of you." He said but she wasn't even caring if he got blood on the pictures or not.

Gulping down her saliva, she was waiting for the moment where he'll get blood on her actual face.

Facing her, he caressed her hair and gave her a loving look. But it was the loving look of a mad man. Running a finger across her cheek, he placed extra pressure as it neared her cheekbones. Feeling a sting, he made a cut on her cheek.

She was so afraid, very afraid. She let out all a cry and tears fell from her eyes. A tear ran across the cut and it stung her even more.

"Aww baby sis. Let me wipe those tears away." In a sad tone, he said to her as he stood up to find some tissues or a handkerchief. Seeing he wasn't holding her back, she made a ran for the door. Pulling it open, she got out quickly so she could close back the door and not let that crazy person out.

Now she understood why she never saw him again since that day, he was no longer the brother she knew. 

"Baby sis, open the door. I said OPEN UP!!" He shouted as he banged on the door. She just leaned into the door, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Her brother no longer existed.

"I guess they were right, be careful. Because the scariest monsters are usually the closest one to you."

"I am not a monster. I AM NOT. NOW OPEN UP." He screamed more in an angry scary tone.

"You're not my brother. YOU'RE A GODDAMN MONSTER JONGDAE!"

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