― Monsters Want : 1

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Love. They usually say you'll do anything for love. You'll even cross borders for love. Break your own principles just on the sole reason, love.

But she has only heard of them from her friends. Stories of being in a locked-up relationship. Stories that made others afraid to fall in love. Stories that prevented her friends to find love and be in a relationship.

She thought differently, she never believed those stories. She said those were just made up because of failed relationships. Stories created just to make the other party look bad, make it look as if they were the reason to the relationship to go down the drain.

And well, that what she used to think. Now? She'll hate to call herself hypocrite but that word describes her best.

It's been awhile since she went outside. She confined herself in her house. No, she wasn't locked up. She locked herself in. She was scared, terrified even. She never ever thought she would be stuck in a situation like this.

Even with the walls of her house, the dozen numbers of locks she had hammered messily at her door, she still didn't feel safe. The think drapes made the inside as dark as if it was night. She never liked the dark.

She was the type to sleep with the lights on because she's scared of the dark. But there's something else that see fears more than the monsters that lurks in the dark. No, it wasn't just something. It was someone.

Her boyfriend.

Her overly protective boyfriend. It started with a blind date on a breezy afternoon in a cozy cafe. And soon after they began to know more about each other, the period of courtship began. The first few weeks, the first few dates seemed so magical, as if she was the princess of a fairytale. A princess that found her prince charming and soon to be living happily ever after.

But as the weeks turned into months and love began to blossom more and more. His jealousy began to grow too. His anger being fertilized whenever she just glance to another person, just by saying a mere thank you to the casher guy.

His strength usually left her with bruises. With visible cuts that she'll try to hide by wearing sweaters even on a sunny day but that would always backfire because the heavily woven clothing just made her cuts sting more.

The things that hurt her more than the physical pains were her broken trust and shattered heart.

Being accustomed to the darkness of her house, she easily found her way to her bedroom and slowly hid herself under her duvet. She wanted to get some shut eye but that thought was snapped away from her mind when she heard a very familiar, angry voice calling out her name.

Too shaken, too scared, too knowing of what would happen if she ever opened the door, she stayed in bed. Taking deep breathes, she knew she couldn't be safer much more in her very weak fortress.

Collecting the few small ounces of courage that would probably be the last trace of her courage, she grabbed her keys and sneaked out the back door. She made a ran for it knowing too well he'll knock down the back door just to drag her outside.

Her feet took her anywhere but the main street where he would see her. As her sight was suddenly filled with a vast sea of people because she had unconsciously ran to the middle of town, she made a quick decision to head to the shopping complex and hide there.

Calming down herself at the furthest table in a comfy shop, she began recalling the first time that she became so protective towards her. And it struck her, this shop was the beginning of it all.

The memories began to fill her mind. She was only returning a smile the guy queuing next to her gave her, and the next thing she knew he had been beaten to the floor with his face bruised and blood splattered on the floor.

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