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Karlie's P.O.V

"Okay, yes I understand. Thank-you..." I state hanging up the phone with one of the main benefactors of this charity ball I'm supposed to help auction at tomorrow night. "Urgh!" I yell to absolutely no one in particular but for some reason a head pops up off the couch. "What's up babe?" Taylor questions bouncing Lillian Tabitha in her arms. I walk over and see the two of them cuddled in the cuddly blanket we always use when we watch movies together. "Nothing, it's just that...urgh! I don't even know." I state slouching down on the couch. "I'm just so busy that I don't have time to do anything anymore, not even a movie night or date night with you...and it's just beginning to suck more and more." I state watching Taylor cuddle the little baby tightly. "Well I know that you've got lots on your plate right now so don't worry so much about the date nights or movie nights, focus on school and then work and as long as you come home to me at night I'm happy okay..." Taylor states as she brings Lillian up to her shoulder to burp her. I nod and cuddle close to my wife, "so when are we gonna have our own?" I question as my finger trials down Lillian's back as Taylor rocks her gently until her eyes begin to fall and I sit back and watch Taylor place Lillian in the car seat at her feet. I watch her lovingly strap her niece into the car seat and say, "look I love Lillian but we are both busy and we don't really have the time to have a baby in the house. Babysitting is fun when we get to hand them back when they're fussy. But be honest with me Karlie, can you really handle work, school, me and a baby? Right now?" I look into her eyes and I can see the longing for a child and I must admit that it was always our plan to get married, I'd finish my degree that I started in 2017 and sort work out so that I wasn't so busy and we could adopt or look into sperm donation but things just hadn't worked out that way. Taylor had slowed her life down so that we could start the process but I was yet to do anything about it and I feel like I'm failing my wife. I know that our years are getting away from us and with Taylor approaching thirty at the end of the year I know that our prime baby carrying years are getting away from us.

A few hours later Austin picks Lillian back up and I'm there to hand everything over as Taylor has been called out to the studio. "Hope she was well behaved," Austin states as he tucks a travelling car seat blanket over his sleeping daughter and I nod. "Yeah she was great, so quiet while I was working on my school stuff, so that's a bonus." Austin looks up at me.
"School kicking your ass a bit huh?" I nod,
"Yeah, you know how it is, finals and essays always needing to be done." He nods,
"Yeah I get it and it was difficult enough when I was only looking after myself and only focusing on school. I can't imagine it's easy with a full time career and a wife at home. I know all my relationships went sour because of college but now I've got this little cutie to occupy my time." I smile watching him leave and as he goes I say, "it gets easier right?" He looks me dead in the eyes. "It does, but it's gonna get worse before it gets better, maybe you need to consider dropping something, not school but maybe less charity appearances. It's just an idea though. Give my best to Teffy..." I nod and promise to and he leaves. Once he's gone I sit back at the table where all my work is spread out and as I look at the coding textbooks and the courses that I've spent so much time invested in as the years have passed by. 'God I have to sort this crap out!'

Taylor's P.O.V

As I come into the apartment that Karlie and I share in the middle of New York I see papers strewn across the floor, 'oh crap, what's happened now?' I wonder stepping into the room and seeing a sleeping Karlie on the couch. Her text books surrounding her and Olivia and Meredith playing with the loose papers, as I scold them they run away and I move towards Karlie. "Hey baby, wake up Karlie." Her beautiful tired green eyes look up at me and she says,
"Is it morning already?" I shake my head.
"No but I think you'll be more comfortable in bed, don't you. Plus you've got to be up early for that charity appearance..." I state as Karlie pulls herself into a sitting position.
"Nope not anymore..." I look at her and she stands and pulls me into a big hug. "I'm stopping the work commitments for now and in the future. I've got better things to do right now." I smile at her and say, "oh really and what are those things, does it include cleaning our living room?" I cheekily comment at her but she only smiles at me with her 100% pure sunshine smile and says, "nope I've got a new mission and that mission starts at 0900 tomorrow morning." My face turns into a frown and Karlie comes over and hugs me from behind lying her hands on my abdomen. "My new mission is to get my wife pregnant with donor sperm by December 13th." I feel my eyes go wide and I turn around and face Karlie. "Are you serious? What about school and work?" I question but Karlie smiles. "I'm sure that I can manage a baby while completing this degree, so what do you say? Are you in?" Karlie questions at me as I break out into a large grin.
"I'm all in."

By December I'm pregnant with our first child and when we discover that we are having a girl we quickly decide on the name Addison. The labour is intense and painful but Addison manages to arrive just before Karlie's final exam as a college student and less than three hours after our baby girl was born Karlie is sitting her final coding exam and a few months later I bundle Addison up and take her to New York University where we see Karlie walk across the stage and receive her diploma. The ride to get here was difficult but we made the best of bad situations and in times that I needed her Karlie would always abandon her studies to be with me. She was even going to miss her final exam if Addison hadn't arrived but luckily our baby girl is always early and arrived just in time. I'm glad for whatever Austin told Karlie that night that we babysat Lillian because it has given me the chance to be a mother and for Karlie to do what's important to her, but as she always states. Nothing is more important than Addison and I and for that it makes me love her more.

This is also a prequel to another one-shot I wrote called Life is Beautiful. Check it out if you want to see the graduation part.

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