•Love Of Your Fucking Life•

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Fuck...Ben thought woefully, running a hand through his hair. He rushed over to the coffee shop, avoiding the park area, hoping not to run into Denis. When he arrived, he saw Luna sitting in their booth, tapping the table with her fingers impatiently.

He sat down and her eyes shot from the window to him, "finally." She sighed. "What? I took like, five minutes." Ben rolled his eyes. "Shush, point is, you took longer than I wanted. Anyways, Denis says he felt something." Luna replied.

"Yeah, I know he felt something, I've known that for a while..." Ben shrugged. "No Ben, like...He says he felt, for a fraction of a minute, like he was in love." Luna stated, looking him dead in the eyes. "L-love...?" Ben gulped. The big L word...the one thing he'd decided he'd never be ready for.

"Yes." Luna answered, "but your Jackass fucked it all up and now yo-" "no, nonono..." Ben swiftly stood from the booth and backed away. "Ben?" Luna stood as well, however the guitarist was already sprinting as though the ground were fire. "Ben what the hell?!" Luna called after him, but alas, all she did was draw attention to herself.


Cameron yawned as he walked down the hallway of the hotel with Sam. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, but where's Ben?" He asked. "Cameron shrugged, "he comes really late at night and leaves pretty early in the morning, haven't seen him much lately."

Sam nodded, "wonder if everything's okay..." "m'sure it is, just gotta let Ben be Ben though." Cameron replied nonchalantly. Sam agreed and headed out to return to his room which was now shared by James, himself and Denis.

As Denis hobbled around, attempting to relearn walking, he grew very tired, yawning. "Sleepy?" James asked. "Mhm..." Denis replied, hobbling to his bed. James nodded, "I'll tell Sam to be a quiet fucker." Denis chuckled and slipped under the covers, letting his weariness drag him into sleep's awaiting arms.

He shivers, a cold, no, freezing cloak grasping his body. Denis looks at his surroundings, pitch black with no signs of light except, oh, wait no, a door? The singer watches as the light brightens until it's blinding, and suddenly, it stops.

The light is still there, however, it's behind the door, merely seeping from beneath it. Denis walks forth, recognizing said door as the one in his previous dream: polished, bright red wood with a liver handle and silver marking upon the front.

He shuffles closer, beginning to hear a sound, throbbing like a drum. The closer he gets to the door, the more the silver symbol, which previously looked like odd lines, begins to change.

They shift and swirl deliriously until Denis is upon the door, reaching for it's cold handle. He grasps it and turns, only to find that the door is locked. He glances up at the markings on the door and see that they have formed the shape of a heart, a human one at that.

Abruptly, he is yanked backwards, feeling as though he is falling until...

Denis' eyes shot open as he gasped for air. It felt as though he'd dropped a thousand feet and landed on his bed. He attempted to calm his breathing but was extremely shaken by the dream, as it felt unbelievably real.

Denis glanced at the clock on his bedside table, devilish red numbers reading 4:57 and beside it, AM.

He groaned and threw his head back on the pillow, flopping around until he realized that sleep refused to return to him. Denis slipped out of bed, grabbing ripped jeans and a distressed tank top, throwing them on. He grabbed his leather jacked and worn, checkered Vans.

"Up early I see." A voice queried from behind him, giving him a bit of a scare. "U-uh, yeah." He replied, seeing that it was only James. James smiled, "good thing though, flights at eight, wouldn't wanna miss them." Denis nodded and unplugged his phone, packing his things into a bag.

He'd gone from hobbling to something that mostly resembled walking, if you looked at it the right way. He grabbed his prepared bag and placed it on front of the door, "5:39..." He muttered, staring at the clock. "I've gotta start wakin' up the boys, and by the way Cam described it, Ben'll be here, perfect." James smiled, patting Denis on the shoulder as he left.

Denis gulped, Ben. The thought of him made him angry, depressed and most of all; lonely. He hated how although he wanted to move on, although he knew Ben was bad, he couldn't help but feel constantly drawn to him. He was like an indescribable poison, toxic and evil, but he kept coming back for more.

Denis groaned, he hated himself for loving someone who couldn't, no, wouldn't love him back. "God dammnit, Ben..." Denis muttered.


When the boys of Asking Alexandria gathered and packed for their trip, Luna received a call.



Oh *yawn* Morning Denis...why so...early?

Cause I'm leaving today.


Yup. And I wanted you to come if it was alright, y'know to say goodbye.

Uh y-yeah! I'll be there haha, bright and early!

Luna, is something wrong?

Pshh no stupid, I'm fiine, just pack and I'll meet you there at....?


Alrighty, sounds like a plan!

Haha by Luna.

Bye Denis.

The silver haired girl got dressed hurriedly, packing and readying, she needed to be there since it was her last chance to unite Ben and Denis, it was already 6:47. When she finished, she ran out of the hotel and hailed a cab to drive her to the airport.

She walked in, meandering awkwardly until she spotted Denis. Luna ran over and hugged him, out of breath, "hey Denis!" "Luna!" He cheered, hugging back. "Alright so, I hate to be the barer of bad news buuuut," She winced a bit as she spoke, "I gotta talk to Ben...know where he is?" Denis sighed, "I attempted to say something to him and he darted that way." He lamely pointed a finger off to the left.

Luna groaned angrily, storming after the guitarist who'd fucked up so immensely. Finally she found him and decided that he'd better have a way out of his grave because that's where she'd put him. She glared and stomped over, halting behind him to make sure it was him. Then, when she knew, she reached forth and grabbed a chunk of his hair, pulling hard.

Ben flailed and shrieked, swatting her away and calling her various colorful names. Luna finally stopped and stood, arms crossed and glare fixed on him. "What?!" Ben growled, glowering with fire. "You know." She replied. "Look, I don't like him!" Ben rolled his eyes.

"Ben please! It's 7:58 and Denis is going to board his plane!" Luna begged. "Luna, I'm sorry, I just-" "dammnit Ben!" Luna cursed before lurching forward and pressing her lips to his.

Ben shoved her away and reeled back with an expression of disgust. Slightly annoyed by how dramatic he was about it, Luna spoke desperately, "see?! You are gay god dammnit! Now go before the love of your fucking life leaves you!"

Ben gulped and peered over the crowd, searching for Denis' head of pitch black hair. Still looking, Ben darted off, memories hitting him hard as he ran, shoving through people. He had to reach Denis.

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