• Unsure•

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"What did you do." Luna sounded mad, but it was as if she was trying to keep it contained. "I...I wasn't there for him when he needed me...I was an awful best friend, I don't even deserve to be called his best friend anymore...I caught him with scars on his stomach and he ran, I chased him, trying to stop him so that he'd talk to me, but he kept running until he ran into a tree branch." Ben replied sorrowfully. "He was hurting himself?" Ben opened his mouth to speak when she cut him off, "I'm here, explain when I get up there."

Ben nodded and hung up, looking at Denis. He was so pale and he looked thinner despite only being there a day. "I'm here for you this time." He whispered. Then, Luna walked in, silver hair flowing behind her, "w-what happened, why was he...doing it?" She gulped, looking at Denis. "I was afraid....I didn't want to look gay, so I avoided him as best I could. I wasn't there when he needed me and something extreme must have happened, but I didn't help him." Ben looked downwards in guilt.

Luna didn't reply for a long while, thinking in the deep silence. "Don't ever pull this shit again." She turned to Ben and looked him dead in the eyes, "you hear me? Denis is a sweet guy and I won't let him hurt himself because you won't talk to him. You better fix him or I swear will kill you." She glared and walked over to Denis, placing her hand on his. "You're gonna be okay..." She muttered. "Luna...I'm sorry, I am, I-" "look, I don't want to come off as mean as I am, I just don't want anything happening to Denis, he's a great guy and I'd hate for this to continue...So I'm sorry too" Luna shrugged, interrupting Ben.

He sighed, "okay, it's fine, I know how you feel"  Luna nodded, "well, I should go, I'm late for work...I'm glad to have finally met you, bye Ben." Luna waved as she walked out the door, looking slightly stressed. Ben waved as well, but was thinking about how she'd worded her goodbye, "I'm glad to have finally met you". Finally? Did Denis speak about him? Did Luna already know who he was? She did know that Denis was his friend, she'd said it herself when Ben had first picked up the phone... The guitarist sighed, shaking his head, this was too much to think about and he could only take so much at a time.

"Denis, I'm gonna go now...I'll be back tomorrow, please wake up..." Ben muttered to his comatose friend as he pulled open the door. He walked out, passing the kind Doctor, Mr. Ramsei, along the way. "Mr. Bruce!" He walked over, "Hi Doctor Ramsei, what is it?" Ben stopped, looking at the doctor quizzically. "We think we've determined how long Denis will be asleep and we assume he will wake up soon, however, we cannot be sure." He replied, "so in a few days?" Ben asked with hopeful eyes, "yes Mr. Bruce." Dr. Ramsei smiled.

Ben grinned, "thank you Doctor." "No problem, Mr. Bruce, we'll take our best care of him as long as he's here." Mr. Ramsei replied. Ben nodded, "it means a lot, sir." "Glad it does, Mr. Bruce." And with that, the doctor was whisked away by nurses. Ben sighed in relief, walking away, he was happy to hear that his Denis would be alright. He almost tripped when he stopped. His Denis? What was that all about? Ben gulped, it seemed that this, "try not to look gay" thing would be harder than he thought.

He shook his head and continued walking, no, he could do this, everything would be fine, it'd be okay. He traipsed straight into a crowd of reporters and rounded up the boys, telling them it was time to go back to the bus. They rushed back to the bus and Ben instantly went to his bunk, collapsing into it. A few more days he thought, just a few more...

"Ben. Ben, Ben!" James shook Ben until he woke up from the nap he hadn't noticed he'd taken. "W-What?" The guitarist yawned, stretching in his bunk. "There's some chick asking for you, mate, maybe you know her?" James replied. "What's she look like?" Ben asked, "silver hair, couple piercings, weird make up and fake fangs or something like that..." James answered. Ben shot out of his Ben, "Luna." He rushed through the bus and sure enough, waiting outside, was Luna.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "Well, you're Denis' best friend and I'm basically Denis' sister so I decided that I should know my brother's best friend before I approve of said friendship." She stated. "What? Why do you need t-" "because who knows? It could become more than that" Luna chuckled, walking off. "Woah wait! Where're you going?" Ben called. "No idea! But are you coming with or not?" She called over her shoulder, not stopping.

Ben sighed, running after her. Denis needed to make less annoying friends. "So" she began when he caught up, "you guys are in a band?" Ben nodded, "Yeah, Asking Alexandria. We're supposed to be on tour, but our lead singer is currently in the hospital so..." "Ah, so what do you do?" She asked, "guitar, sometimes I sing a little." Ben answered. "Now for some...deeper..questions..." Luna stated, "what's your sexuality?" Ben stopped for a second, "what? You barely know me!" "Yeah, and answering my questions will help me get to know you." She smirked.

Ben huffed, "straight." Luna snorted, "you sure?" "Of course I'm sure. What makes you think I'm not?!" Ben glared, "oh, just, I've been told some things that make me think that maybe, you're unsure." Luna shrugged, "think on it, you might learn something new about yourself...I gotta go, see ya." With that, she dashed off, leaving Ben in the dust. Ben gulped, stopping dead in his tracks. She was right. He was unsure.

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