•I Will Make It Up To You•

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As soon as dawn struck the sky, casting out the shadowed beauty of night, Ben was awake. He readied himself, preparing for his next visit to the hospital. He was rather excited about it, he always got excited when it came to Denis, but the whole thing frustrated him.

He didn't care how many signs had been thrown in his face, how many times he'd realized it, Ben did not want to be gay. Even if I were, Ben thought sadly, I'd never be good enough for him.

He ran a hand through his naturally messy hair and brushed off his Crown The Empire t shirt. He had to tell Denis, he couldn't just lead him on like that, it would hurt him so bad.....


Arriving at the hospital, Ben once again ran a hand through his hair out of nervousness. He didn't want to do this, but it had to be done! He allowed the nurse to check him in and let him up, the the while thinking, it must be done, it must be done...

He walked down the corridor of hospital rooms, grasping the knob to Denis' room. It must be done, it's must be done, it must be- "Ben!" Denis cheered as soon as he laid eyes on the guitarist. Ben's heart melted as he wobbled over, plopping down in his usual seat beside Denis. This time, the singer was much happier, grinning and moving his arms about wildly as he told him stories.

"And then, another one my grandmother told me..." Ben listened yet didn't at the same time. He kept switching his attention from the stories to Denis' gorgeous features and back, developing a small grin of his own. "Then the man left and..." Denis trailed off, staring at Ben happily. "What is it?" Ben asked with a chuckle. "You're smiling..." Denis replied, "at my stories, thank you..."

Although he'd been merely half listening, Ben accepted his thanks and hugged Denis. Denis' thin arms wrapped securely around Ben's neck as his did his waist. They hugged for a long while before Denis pulled back to place a soft and very sweet kiss on Ben's lips. He pressed their foreheads together, closed his eyes and grinned, "never leave me." Ben however didn't close his eyes, instead they filled with worry and not being able to do it, he simply agreed, "I promise, I will never leave you."

He didn't want to lie to him.

~•~Two months Later~•~

Denis was released from the hospital early without Ben knowing. The day the Ukrainian was free was also the day he had decided to sleep in, so he had no idea that Denis was there when the boys brought him to the hotel.

James watched as Sam clumsily helped Denis into their hotel room. "Denis!" James grinned, walking over and hugging his bandmate. "I've missed you..." he smiled. Denis gave a small chuckle, "I've missed you too, James." "It's good to have you around again, mate."
Sam laughed, prying Denis from James' iron grip and sitting him on the bed.

The three talked for two hours and the whole time, James didn't take his eyes off Denis once. The drummer was about to ask another question when Cam burst into the room, grinning. He rushed to Denis and hugged him, "duuuude! You're back!" Denis laughed, "yeah, I am."

Denis looked around, trying to hide his sadness when he didn't find Ben. However, he'd indefinitely lost the skill to fake a smile a long time ago. Cam smirked and poked Denis, "you wanna see Ben." Denis attempted to play it off, "no, I just uh...." However he wasn't too good at that either.

"C'mon." Cam laughed, helping Denis up and out of the room despite James' protest. Denis eagerly hobbled along with his arm sound over Cam's shoulder since he couldn't support his weight. When they reached the room, Cam unlocked it and helped Denis to Ben's bed. He sat the singer down and winked, walking out and leaving the two band members together.

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