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Ben's lips met Denis' and the singer smiled as did the guitarist, but by the time they kissed, Officer Masons and Edward Cram had begun walking outside. When Edward saw this, he halted and despite Officer Mason's strength, he couldn't get the man to move again. "Who is he." Edward demanded. Officer Masons sighed in exasperation, "if I tell you his name will you get in the car and remain silent?" Edward nodded. "Benjamin Bruce." The cop stated, pulling the soon-to-be inmate into his car.

He locked the doors and ambled over to the singer and guitarist, chuckling as they seemed unable to get their hands off each other. "Alright you two, as fine as Denis may seem, he still needs to go to the hospital and rest, I'll have the back up take you home since it wouldn't be too smart to put you and Mr. Cram over there in the same car." With that, he patted Ben's shoulder with a smile, "you did a great job in there, you'd make a great cop." Denis and Ben both grinned and waved as he left, the backup showing up a mere five minutes later.



"Denis Shaforostov."

"Earlier you said it was Stoff?"

"Stage name."



"Can you tell me what exactly happened when you were taken?"


"Why not?"

"I don't want to relive it."

"But we need it for the investiga-"

"With all do respect sir, the investigation is over."

The officer, Officer Waels shook his head and shuffled out the door of Denis' hospital room. This had been Denis' whole past week, officers and reporters coming in and out of his room, just to ask empty questions. His parents weren't even there, he was in an American hospital and their flight had been cancelled three times.

Denis felt so lonely in that room, he wished Ben and the guys could visit more often, but he knew they were working hard to keep the public out of it.

An hour later, the heavy door to his hospital room heaved open. Denis leaned back in his bed, not ready to shoot down another interview. He had closed his eyes to pretend he was sleeping, but nothing like that would fool his visitor. "Oh c'mon Denis, you know I've seen you sleep, I wake you up all the time on tour." Ben chuckled, causing the singer's eyes to spring open.

Denis smiled, "Ben!" He cheered. Ben walked over and hugged him, "hey Denny." The nickname made him smile, he missed it so much. "So, how's it been out there? How are the fans? Have I missed much?" Denis questioned him eagerly. "It's been going good out there, the fans are worried but otherwise okay, and you haven't missed much besides swarms of the press, but y'know what I missed?" Denis raised a brow, "what?" "This." Ben leaned down and pecked Denis' lips.

The singer smiled sheepishly as a rosy red tone bloomed on his face. "I-I've missed that too.." he replied. The pair spent hours talking, catching up on all the time lost during Denis' stay at the hospital. Thinking about it, he realized how long he was really in there, seven months and it would be longer still until he was released.

Ben nodded when a nurse came in to tell him visiting hours were over, "okay, bye Denny, I'll see you tomorrow, and I'll even bring a surprise..." Ben winked, kissing Denis' forehead and wandering out.


The boys of Asking Alexandria had rented hotel rooms and were staying in them until Denis was out. The hotel manager seemed to understand and didn't hesitate to give them the room for as long as they needed. James paced back and forth in his room which he shared with Sam. "Ben better get back, I need to know if Denis is okay....." James groaned, crossing his arms.

"I'm sure Denis is fine, Ben would've called us if the hospital had given him bad news" Sam placed a hand on his shoulder, attempting to soothe him. James nodded solemnly and sat on his bed, "I just don't know anymore....Sam it's so hard..."

Sam raised a brow, "what's so hard?" "Staying always from him..." James muttered, clasping his hands together. "James, be specific  dammnit! Who are you staying away from and why?!" Sam became frustrated. "Denis..."

James sighed and looked Sam dead in the eyes, "Sam, I love Denis."


Ben groaned as he shut his hotel door behind him. He'd explained everything there was to tell to the guys and had answered to their relentless questioning. He was tired, really tired, and worried too, some of the questions the guys had asked scared him....Things like, "what if there's something wrong that the doctors can't see?" "Is he going to be crippled for life?" "Are his femurs going to be useable after being shattered by nails?"

The endless fretfulness of his mind tortured him deeply, although he tried not to think about it. "Denis, please be okay..." he muttered, laying down, he was so tired he didn't even bother to change. Needless to say, before his body even hit the bed, he was fast asleep.


A noise echoes down a long dark hallway. It's pitch black, he can't even see his own hands in front of his face. The noise continues to resound throughout the empty space, reaping fresh blooms of curiosity. He follows the sound, treading lightly yet in a  trance like fashion, as though he were a type of self aware zombie.

Suddenly, a red door with a polished silver handle appears at the end of the hall. Upon the shining red wood, was a bold, silver marking emblazoned in the door's flesh. Just as a fresh burn, he thought. He shuffles towards the door and reaches for the knob, twisting slowly and pressing lightly on the door. Behind it, a bright ball of blindingly beautiful light floats ever so elegantly in the flittering darkness. He walks foreword, drawn, mesmerized by its warming glow. He hadn't even realized how deafeningly loud the silence was until a soft song began to hum from within it.

His cold, icy skin warmed, the light embracing him in a brilliant unbound happiness. The light began to take form, stretching into a more human shape, however, just as this begun, he felt reality tugging, pulling, dragging him back......

Denis awoke with a small start, gulping and gripping his bed. He was shaken by the dream, but he had heard of such things before. A darling dream, they were called, supposedly because they showed the identity of your true love in the form of a light. Denis had never believed in things like that, he'd always thought they were trivial and odd...until now. Denis smiled and bit his lip, laying down.

He would find his light.

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