•Save Me•

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"Denis! He's gone!"




Not. There.

Ben's happiness shattered as Sam and the others panicked around him. Everything went into slow motion as he felt his heart racing, his mind working desperately to comprehend the words.





Tears swelled in his eyes, "where? Where was be taken?!" He asked Sam, grabbing his shoulders. His rattled bandmate pointed to the left, "th-that way man!" He stuttered out. Ben took off running, with James on his tail, "Ben! We need to get the police! We can't-" Ben hadn't a care in the world for what James had to say, all that mattered was finding Denis.

The guitarist came to an outwards leading hallway and saw a bit of blood smudged on the wall. He gasped, running over to it, no doubt it had to be either Denis' or the guy who took him, who else would start a random fight in an airport? He gulped at the dent where the blood was, hopefully it wasn't Denis' head, he couldn't handle much more...

With the fear starting to build up again, he left rapidly put the door. He pushed through a crowd of people entering, going in random directions and hoping he was right. When he had fought his way out of the plethora of people, he found himself next to the main road. Where had Denis gone and who had taken him?

Having no other signs to go off of, Ben dropped to his knees, "Denis..." He choked out. His shoulders shook as tears glided down his pale cheeks. "Denis!" He cried, "Denis please...." Softer that time, until finally, he muttered, "Please come back to me."


(Things may be a bit too graphic for some people, readers discretion is advised......)

The man smiled at the camera, then back at his helpless hostage, "alright pretty, this will hurt a lot, but that's okay." Denis' eyes widened as the man raised an arm, one large nail in hand, and swung downwards, harshly plunging the nail into Denis' mid thigh. He screeched in pain, fighting against his restraints relentlessly, "God, stop!" The man chuckled, raising his arm again, this time jabbing the other nail into Denis' left thigh.

Denis threw his head back, screaming as he felt the cold iron pierce his leg. Dark red blood trickled down his thighs, burning his skin as it crept downwards. "Now for the good part..." The man mumbled, grabbing the copper wire. He wrapped the wire around the top of the nails roughly, making it feel like Denis' flesh was tearing further.

He brought the other end of the wires to the terminals on a large battery. "No, no oh god please no...." Denis sobbed. "Sorry sweetheart, but the fun has only just begun." With that, he flipped the switch on his controller and sent a bolt of electricity through Denis. His head was once again thrown back and his muscles pulled taut. He let out a throat shredding screech and the man turned it off. Denis' mouth hung open, drool dripping down his chin as he twitched in his chair.

He sat rigidly, eyes wide open and hands clenched with white knuckles. He felt his blood boil and burn and he let out small, shaky breaths. "That was fun, pretty." The man chuckled, "but that's the end of today's episode...." He walked to the camera, turning it off, then walking over to Denis, who was still struggling to regain his senses. "I will see you tomorrow, my pretty." He patted Denis' head, then walked up the stairs and out of the basement, carrying the camera out with him.

Denis weakly swallowed what little saliva he had left in his mouth and his vision began to go dark around the edges. "B-Ben....." He rasped as his world was engulfed in darkness.

"Save me."


The band had decided that they needed to stay together. They couldn't just go back to their homes when Denis was missing, it wasn't right.

Ben had become a sobbing mess, barely stopping to breathe, "c'mon mate" James took Ben into the tour bus so that they could talk one on one. "Ben, breathe." He ordered. "I-I ca- *hiccup* -an't he-h-he's GONE!" "Ben, it's going to be alright, we're gonna fi-" "no! N-no! It's-s not gonna be-e alri-ight! You d-don't under-derst-stand! *hiccup*" James became frustrated, "what?! What don't I understand?"

Ben let out a sob and yelled, "I love him!" They both froze, Ben's heavy breathing being the only sound between the two. James was filled with rage, how dare he?! Denis belonged to HIM! Without even thinking about Ben's current emotional trauma, he threw a heavy punch at the guitarist's left cheek. Ben fell back, "J-James-" he threw another, holding Ben down and throwing yet another. "James pl-please-!" James punched his chest, knocking the wind out of Ben and raised his arm to hit his face when the bus door opened, "guys what's going o- oh my god!" Cameron gasped as James knocked Ben out with his final punch.

"Sam!" He called out, rushing at James. He tackled the drummer as Sam ran in, "wha-" Ben, who was weakly regaining consciousness, reached to Sam with a shaky arm. Sam's eyes widened and he looked up at James who was fighting Sam, "you asshole!" He yelled, helping Sam. The pair threw James out of the bus and locked the door, tending to Ben's injuries. "Ben, are you okay, mate?" Sam asked, "I'm fine." Ben nodded, holding an ice pack to his bruised cheek.

Ben poked his busted lip with his tongue, staring out the window at the overcast day out side, perfect for such an occasion. The boys decided on resting that day, since there was nothing they could do until the next day, when they really had energy. So Ben say in the back room, playing guitar and writing songs as the night dragged on.


Alright, I hope you enjoyed that chapter :)

Till next time,


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