• In Between •

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Denis smiled as he bounced off stage, they'd played a great show! "Hey Den!" The vocalist heard his best friend, Ben, call him. "Yes Benji?" He asked, swiveling around to face him. "You wanna get a drink with the boys and I later?" Ben responded with a question. "Yeah, sure, why not?" Denis shrugged even though he hardly drank. "Sweet, we'll pick up some chicks too so..." Ben winked and ran off, probably to find James.

Denis sighed, why even try to get a night of rest? He wasn't sure how they did it, but all of the other guys on the bus were able to drink and party basically every night. "They are so strange..." He chuckled to himself.

*later that day*

It was time for Asking to head out to the bar, Black Venus, Denis was pretty sure that's what it was called, but he didn't know. When they arrived, he grabbed a Stella Artois from the bar and rushed to a relatively secluded corner. Pulling out his phone, Denis realized he had tons of Twitter notifications. Of course all of the AA fans were freaking out about a picture where Denis hugged Ben over the shoulder on stage. He laughed to himself and scrolled through the many reposts of the picture, almost all with the hashtag Brustoff.

Denis sipped from his beer and was about to keep scrolling when he felt a tap on his shoulder. When he looked up, he met the full blue eyes of a woman who was uncomfortably close. Her large breasts were hardly covered by a bright pink bikini top and she was wearing a pair of extremely distressed UK shorts that didn't leave much to the imagination. "Hey cutie, whatcha doin' all alone over here?" She batted her false lashes flirtatiously and twirled a thin lock of obviously dyed platinum blonde hair around her fingers.

The vocalist cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly in discomfort, but as soon as he opened up his mouth to speak, Ben interrupted. "He's taken love, sorry." Denis looked at Ben with confusion. Ben winked at him mischievously and clasped their hands together. "What?! I don't believe you, prove it." She frowned. Ben slightly lost his nerve, "how?" The girl smirked, "kiss." Ben gulped, turning to Denis who looked just about as nervous as he felt. The vocalist shrugged and Ben nodded, "ok-kay...."

Denis tilted his head and leaned forward, closing his eyes as he felt Ben's lips on his own.  For some reason unknown by the both of them, the kiss turned into a rather heated make out session with Denis pushing Ben up against a wall and Ben ensnaring his fingers in Denis' soft hair. "Okay, okay! I believe you!" The blonde spoke, pulling the men out of their trance. She scurried off and left Denis awkwardly holding Ben against the wall. "Get off me." Ben ordered. Denis nodded and backed away, "never speak of this." Ben added, storming off.

Denis gulped, running his hands through his hair, what the hell had just happened?! He took a deep breath and downed the rest of his beer, heading back to the bus.

When he got there, he fell into his bunk, groaning. He had just made out with his best friend. His best friend. They were both straight, that was for sure, but then why was he slightly sad about Ben's reaction? Why did he care? He wasn't gay, was he? Question after question spiraled around in Denis' head until finally it began to ache....Just as he was about to get up for water, he heard the bus door open, plus two voices. One was obviously Ben's, and the other, an unidentifiable girl.

Denis practically dived into his bunk and closed the curtain. "You're sure no one else is here?" Asked the girl. "Of course baby, now.." Ben pause for a second before resuming, "let's get these clothes out of the way..." Denis' eye twitched, first he was panicking, contemplating his sexuality and such, but now, he was hiding from Ben who was about to screw a girl the next room over. He put a pillow over his head but that didn't block out the noise.

They'd been going at it for about five minutes when the girl said something about sucking his dick. Denis just about gagged and ordered himself to not throw up. He wasn't sure why the idea of a girl sucking a guy's dick disturbed him, it just did. Ben's soft moans made the singer bite his lip, they were kinda hot....Denis was brought back to reality by a particularly loud moan from Ben, "Oh, fuck Denis..."

Denis' eyes widened and he heard Ben curse, "shit." "What the hell?" The girl sounded mad, "are you gay?!" "no, baby I-" Ben responded quickly but the girl cut him off, "fuck off, fag." Then, assuming by the sounds, she left the bus. "Baby, wait!" Denis heard Ben pull up his pants and run out after her. Then, he took this as a chance to finally get his damn water. He grabbed a bottle and sat on the couch, what was happening?

Not five minutes later, Ben returned, staring at Denis wide eyed, "how long have you been here?" He questioned. "Just got here mate." Denis lied. "Oh...." Ben sighed, "I'm going to sleep." Denis nodded, "night." "Night." Ben grumbled. Denis began thinking again, why had Ben moaned his name? Why not the girl's? He obviously wasn't gay, he'd made that quite clear, but Denis had a feeling that he wasn't entirely straight either. He was somewhere in between........

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