Frost X Injured!Reader

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You were limping away from a large war zone between members of Beacon and White Fang. You were badly cut in the leg and were bleeding a lot. A White Fang grunt saw you and started rushing towards you until he was knocked out by Frost while using his semblance.

"Get to safety I'll cover you!", Frost yelled to you as he followed you while blocking a lot of attacks from both sides. You both make it to safety as he pulled out a first aid kit to tend your wound. The moment he finished, you sighed in relief as you were happy he helped you. Just as he got up, a group of White Fang grunts ambushed him. This caused him to get thrown to the ground as they went for you. You waited for one of them to kill you but that moment never came. Frost had grabbed them and started using one of them as his weapon for now. Soon he killed them as the war zone started to become empty as the Beacon students were showing to be victorious of the battle.

"Frost.", you say as he helped you.

"Yeah?", he said with his ears twitching.

"Thanks for helping me there.", you say as you nuzzle against his neck. Frost blushed and looked away in response to this. You kiss his cheek and he did the same. The two of you then looked out for one another, willing to kill whoever threatened your loved one.

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