Chapter 19

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Your Pov

I was standing in the middle of the woods looking around waiting on the vampire clan, I could smell and hear them so I knew they were getting close. Dinah and Camz run towards me and let me know that they are close and they stand next to me. I communicate to Harry and Demi that I want them to stay where they are at.

My head snaps up when I hear a branch snap and standing there is Brad's clan with Ari. It hurts me to know she could have left us on her own free will, but I try to believe that is not the truth.

Brad laughs when he looks at us and says "This is it, this is going to be easier than I thought." He looks at his group and whispers something to them. A few of them except him and Ari come running at us and we decide to charge at them.

Once they are close to us, Harry and Demi jump of the cliff and tackle two of them to the ground. They start fighting and Dinah goes after the girl Charlie in their group and Camz goes after Taylor. Before I charge after Brad one of the guys in the group ends up making multiples of himself, I did not notice he had that power and I end up fighting two of him.

I end up rolling around trying to fight them off and I kill one and the other is moving around super fast. He vanishes for a second and then I sense him jumping out of a tree and catch him mid air and kill him as well.

I look over at Brad and see him fighting with Ari, she broke the spell. He ends up knocking her into a tree and one of the vampire guys rushes over to her and I growl. Her mate is a damn vampire.

I look over and see that the same dude keeps making multiples of himself and everyone is fighting them off. The vampire guy named Justin gets up and start fighting against the other vampires. I understand that this is my chance to go after Brad. He looks at me and starts to run, I start to chase him into the forest.

Lauren's Pov

I snap awake and realize I am in the medical room. Something inside of me feels different, I was dreaming of wolves while I was asleep. In one of my dreams there was this white wolf that ran at me and I thought it was going to kill me, but it vanished once it ran threw me.

I get up and I feel different, I feel stronger and all my sense are enhanced. Before I get outside someone calls my name.

"Lauren honey" I know who that voice belongs too and I can not believe it. "Mom?" I ask.
She runs up to me and hugs me "Oh, honey I have missed you" she says. I cry in her arms.

-"Listen I do not have long and I will explain everything later, honey you have a very powerful set of genes that run in you and people will be after you once they know. You are just like (y/n), you have the ability to shift into a wolf now, that is what I have been trying to tell you in your dreams. There is a much bigger problem coming than the one you have now. You need to go and fight with that pack and keep them close, you will need them." she says. I try to ask questions, but she just shakes her head.

-"I will explain more later honey, but you need to go now. I love you" and before I can say anything she is gone. Damn it! I wanted to be mad, but I just remembered she said I was like (Y/n). Shit, (Y/n) I have to help her, but how the hell do I shift.

Your Pov

I was chasing after Brad when he jumps into a tree. I look up in the trees waiting for him to stop being a coward and come face me. Out of nowhere he jumps out of the tree and lands on my back. He punches me in the face and then throws me into a tree, I get up and charge at him. We start fighting and before I bite him I hear his thoughts, he was going to try and inject me with something and before I react he stabs me with a needle.

I'll protect you (Y/n and Lauren)Where stories live. Discover now