Chapter 1

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Lauren (Pov)

*Beep,* *Beep,* *Beep*!
Shit why is my alarm so loud. I slam my fist down and shut it off. I sit up in my bed and walk towards the bathroom. I brush my teeth and get ready for school.

After I get ready I go downstairs and see my dad Mike. I say "morning dad."

-"Morning Honey. Why do you look so down, aren't you excited about your first day of school?" He asked sarcastically.

-"HAHA, you are funny" I respond back to him, as I sit down and eat breakfast.

After I finish eating I look out the window and see a new family moving in and I sigh. Here's the thing, my dad and I live deep in the woods. There are only four homes on this block and my two best friends Camila and Normani live in the other two houses. Our last neighbors were awful, they were college students who partied all night and were just rude.

Before I walk out the door for school my dad yells "make sure you are home early tonight, we are meeting the new neighbors." Crap I didn't want to go, but I yell back "okay" and walk out the door.

I wait outside on my friends to come out so we can walk to school, I see a group of people who look about my age. "Wow" I mumble to myself, they all look very fit.

I can't stop looking at them and then one of them turns around and looks at me. She was looking at me like she knew my whole life story and then she gave me a sad smile or I was just imagining things.

I jump whenever my friend Camila taps me on the shoulder.

-"Ghee since when do you scare so easily Lo?" She asked.

-"I don't, I was just thinking hard and didn't hear you." I say.

-"Where is Mani, don't tell me she is still working on her hair?" I ask.

Camila laughs and says "Lo you know her, she probably would take a lifetime on her hair if her parents didn't rush her." Right after than Mani runs outside.

-"Sorry guys, my hair wouldn't curl right." We all laugh and start walking to school.

Once we get to school, everyone is running inside and whispering with gossip more than usual. It must be about the new kids, we hardly ever get new kids here.

-"Guys is all this about our neighbors?" Mani ask.

-"I guess. Are your guy's parents making you meet them after school too?" I ask. They both nod, that makes me feel better. The warning bell then goes off and we all look at our schedule and see we have our first class Biology together, lunch, and music. We then go to our lockers and then go to class.

First and second class were boring, teachers just go over their expectations for the class. We didn't have lunch today, because our classes are cut short for the first day.

I meet up with Mani and Camila as we walk to music  our favorite class with Ms.Adele. (A:N I her love too much not to put her in here)

Once we all walk in and looks who is in the class we all mumble "fuck." Taylor Swift, the schools Head Bitch and our biggest bully. See Mani, Camz, and I are kinda at the bottom of the food chain since we all came out as lesbians. Taylor has a ball making fun of us for it, even though she doesn't know her best friend Selena Gomez who used to talk to Camz is gay too.

We all tried to sneak past her and her crew, as soon as we find seats we hear "oh there are the little dykes, I missed you." She says with a smirk on her face.

We all sit down and try to ignore them till Ms. Adele comes in and tries to starts class, till a group of students walk in. It the group from this morning that I saw. The smallest girl of the group walks up and starts talking to Ms. Adele, while the others find tables and sit. I feel eyes looking at me so I turn around and the same girl from this morning is looking at me again. Right before I turn back around a face catches my eye.

God she was so beautiful, she had long hair, pretty skin, and was pretty fit. I didn't notice I was staring till Camz coughed and caught my attention.

We sat through class as Ms. Adele talked and then the bell rung to dismiss us. As I was walking out I tripped over something...more like someone's leg and right before I face planted an arm wrapped around my body and caught me. If I thought that girl was just beautiful earlier, I lied no words can describe how she looks.

Her face was flawless, but her eyes were incredible. They were this golden color with a bit of blue and as I looked at her a sudden warmth took over. As soon as I blinked her eyes were suddenly black and I was helped up. She then rushed out the room without a word.

That was my first encounter with her and that was her first time saving me. I didn't know she would soon become my protector.

I'll protect you (Y/n and Lauren)Where stories live. Discover now