Chapter 17

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Ally Pov

I woke up cuddle into Camila's arms. Her warmth made it hard to get out of bed, but I had a big meal to make for tonight's feast before the battle tomorrow. Trust me when you are feeding a bunch of wolves and Camila who eats more than anyone you got to start early. I get out of bed and Camila's eye shot open.

-"Where are you going baby?" she ask. "I got to start working on tonight's food, all mates and moms are cooking for tonight" I say. She just nods and rolls back over. God she could sleep for hours.

After getting dressed I head downstairs and see Mani, Selena, Louis, and everyone's mom's in the kitchen laughìng. I walk in and they all greet me and we start working on food.

-"Hey, Selena how are you taking all of this information? Demi never said how it went" Mani asks.

-"It was hard to believe, to be honest I am still in shock, but I really can't control my feelings when it comes to Demi. I like her alot and I want to be open minded about this and give it a chance. I also am sorry I never stuck up for you guys when it came to Taylor." She finishes with a sad smile. Mani walks up to her and  hugs her.

-"Thank you, it means alot to hear. All is forgiven, we are pretty much family now" Mani says with a smile. Gosh gotta love these moments. As we are cooking Dinah, Camila, Demi, and Harry all run in stealing food.

We all smack their hands and they look at us hurt. "No stealing food, wait till dinner" we say to them. They laugh and walk up to their mates and kiss them. Camila wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek.

-"Where is (y/n)?" I ask. "She is in the medical room with Lauren, she is in a pretty good mood, I just think she needs time with her before tomorrow. I wish Lauren was here, we need her you know. " Camila say. I nod in response. I really hope the spell I put on (y/n) works tomorrow. I put a spell that pretty much gives her courage, she couldn't tell I was doing it, cause I put a spell on me, so she can't read my mind.

I know it is wrong not telling her, but she needs all the courage tomorrow to lead the pack. She has to lead them and if she is down all of them will be too. I just hope Lauren wakes up soon, poor girl has been out of it for a week now.

Your Pov

I woke up super early and have been sitting here with Lauren since. I just wish I could see those beautiful green eyes again. I have been in here for a few hours now, so I kiss her cheek and head out to be with everyone else.

I walk in the kitchen and see everyone in the kitchen laughing and smiling. I feel happy looking at them, this is my amazing family and they are all willing to fight for each other. Right before I walk in, my dad stops me.

-"Hey, go on a walk with your old man for a minute" he says. I nod and follow him outside and we start walking towards the path that leads to a waterfall.

-"I know I have been tough on you lately, but it's only because I want you to be the best alpha I know you can be. All of those people in that house trust you leading their kids, mates, and friends. I know how that responsibility can feel. I once cracked under that pressure" my dad says

-"Dad what do you mean? You are the best leader I know" I say. He sighs and hangs his head low.

-"When my dad first let me lead on my own, I was reckless. I did not understand my responsibilities at the time, there were no wars going on so I just partied and did not care much for the rules. I slacked so much that when it came time to prove my ability to lead I failed. Dinah's dad took over and ended up leading. Your grandfather was so upset with me, I never seen him like that. After that day I promised myself I would never let him down like that again and that I would teach my child how to be the best they could" he says. I never seen my dad cry and he was fully sobbing now.

-"I have not told you, but I am so proud of you. You have a pack in there that look up to you so much and are willing to defend you even against their parents. Dinah is a loyal beta and a really good friend to you. I am proud of the bond and leadership you both have. I trust in you to lead them into this war with courage" he says. I have tears coming down my face and I rush to hug him.

-"I love you dad" I say. "Oh, I love you too honey" he says. He wipes my tears and we start walking back to the house. As we get there I see Dinah and her dad walk into the house. I can tell she just had the same talk with her dad.

Link Between Pack Y = You, D = Dinah, H = Harry. DL = Demi, and C = Camila

H- Did we all just have the talk with our parents about them being proud?

D- Yeah. Demi didn't your parents even take Camila with you?

DL- Yeah, it was shocking to say the least.

C- Turns out Demi's parents knew mine very well before they vanished. They were all high school friends.

Y- Wow, I am glad you have someone that knew them. Guys I just wanted to say that I am thankful for all of you. I could not think of a better pack to have or a better group of people to call my family.

D, DL, H, C - Awh! Same.

D- You got me crying and shit again over here.

C- Guys, I am also glad to have met you all. I really feel like I have found my home and I am glad it is with you guys.

H- When did we all turn into big pack that cries all of sudden

DL-I do not know Harry, but I am glad we are having this talk. It is important for us all to talk about these things. We may be big bad wolves, but we are still human with our feelings. I love you guys.

Everyone- I love you guys too.

We stop talking in the link when Ally calls for diner. We all rush and grab food like starving animals. Once we all have grabbed food we go outside to the fire and eat. As we eat, we all tell jokes and stories. It is so good to enjoy this time, even though a piece of me is missing. I wish Lauren was here to enjoy this. Once everyone settles down I stand up and get everyone's attention.

-"I just wanted to first thank you for the food" I say and the pack starts to howl.               

-"Second, I am happy to be surrounded by you guys that I call my family. I know we have had a crazy few month since being here, but we have found our mates, friends, and have been reunited with our parents. I know we are missing one set of parents and we all miss the Grande family. So if anything does not get you wild up and ready for tomorrow, than think about the two people who risked their lives so we could see our parents again. We have all went over the plan for tomorrow and this war can end badly, but I trust that all of us will do everything we can to protect each other. I do not want to get to emotional, so I guess I will end this by saying I love you all and I wouldn't trade you for anything" I say. The pack howls again and everyone else claps once I finish.

I look over at my parents and see them smiling, I then knew what I said was the right thing and I feel really proud of myself. Once everything calms down I walk back inside and head to the medical room. I walk in and grab Lauren's hand and just think about how I know I have to win this fight tomorrow. I made a promise to protect her and I can't do that if I die. I love her and I need the chance to tell her that when she is awake. I kiss her head and walk up to my room and get ready for bed. The pack had to be up early to make rounds around the forest. We are getting ready to go to war.                                                                                                           

A/n alright tomorrow is the big fight and Lauren comes back into play. I also am going to be writing another You and Lauren fic that isn't supernatural. I'll have something about it posted soon.
Thanks for reading.

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